Chapter 2

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A.N: This is dedicated to british-bounds because she is an amazing writer who should honestly publish books already.

Niall POV

      Jesus, did I just hit a girl? I was just heading over to HBSC to take some money out of my bank account. This is suppose to be another regular day, nothing like this. Oh dear god. What did I do? Shit. No, no, no, no, no. Crap. Processing this I stare at the end of the street. I still haven't moved. She took a pretty good hit as well. I think she even dented the car a little. God dammit now is not the time to be thing of that! Un-locking the car and detatching my seatbelt, I run over to her. The first thing I notice is my right broken headlight of the car is cracked, and the glass is surrounded by her.

      I stumbling over to her, I see her eyes are closed and a bit pale... HOLY SHIT DID I JUST KILL A GIRL? My eyes were probably the size of golf balls then I saw her chest move. Thank god, she is still alive. There was blood and glass and she was a good few feet away from my car, she definitely took a  good hit.

      Quickly I got my phone out as I called 999 they told me help would be here in 5 minutes. I just stared at her a little bit, I guess she was pretty. She was dressed in a nice dress and it fit her well. Pink floral pattern, it went just above the knees and had sleeves. She accompanied it with a black blazer, it didn't exactly match. But i'm not really complaining, I'm not great with fashion either. Maybe she was never introduced to the matter... She started bleeding more especially from her stomach. We really need that ambulance now.

      Shit, shit I can't have a girl die. I won't let that happen. Shit what would the boys and Simon say.What would my mom say? Shit I need call them soon or now, And then if the media found out. Oh god and then the fans. They know everything. This would just be another piece of cake finding this out.

      I heard the ambulance and sighed in relief It felt like a life time but in reality it had only been maybe three minutes...  my eyes gazed back at the girl her eyes were watching me. I was so relieved she was awake. I wonder if she saw me checking her out.... that may be a little awkward

I was too concerned about her, and I said the stupidest words that have ever left my mouth.

      "You aren't dead, are you?" I said  'Ok wow Niall' I thought in my head 'shes fucking breathing and her eyes are looking into yours did just seriously just say that'. My whole body felt numb from the weather, but I just kept staring into her eyes. They were a light blue, dashes of various shades of blue around her pupils looking up at me.

      She looked away and coughed "P-please don't worry I called an ambulance" I was scared... I didn't mean to hurt her, is she scared of me?

      She was shaking like a leaf. I quickly gave her my jacket just realizing it was still raining. I gave her a reassuring smile as the paramedics put her on a gurney which I followed behind. 

Samantha's POV

I was in the ambulance ... I think. You already know that I got hit by a car then I was up onto to a gurney. Next everything was black. Just great. I. GOT. HIT... BY. A. CAR... I'm still processing all this. Anyway I can't see shit, I'm pretty sure I can move but I haven't tried yet, I just feel like shit, well actually i feel like the definition of pain. I can definitely hear everything around me, including beeping, ugh annoying beeping... I hate this.

"Alright we will be in the hospital any minute now-" a female voice said.

Okay at least I was right about being in an ambulance taking me err *correction* us I guess. Wait, no naw ah, not the hospital, god help me I wanted to puke right then and there, just thinking of the place gave me shivers down my spine. What was I thinking it'd take me back to my hotel? They only head to the hospital.

The place reeked of laundry detergent and the doctors and nurses always asked 'whats wrong' when I just want freaking tell them 'I have no idea, that's why i'm here dumb-shit, now make me better!' but I never do. Oh an the white walls in the place just feel so boring, for my god's sake add some color make the place happier its sad enough as it is! Oh and then don't even get me started about the- ugh never mind venting in my mind wont get me past the fact that I almost DIED.

Oh my god what if I do die? I started hyperventilating I DO NOT and I repeat, NOT want to go in there.

"Hun everything is going to be okay, constant breaths now... in and out" she said and breathing out her voice hoping I would mimic "in and out, your doing just fin-". 

"What's wrong? Oh god, is she alright, right? Why is she breathing so quickly? Please make her better I can't have a girl di---" god that idiot is in here also.. why does he care so much he's the one who hit me with the car. Shit, I can't take this pain. Could I please just drown in a bottle of Advil right now?

"She's alright, just in a mental state right now, we are going to see which of her visuals aren't working. Some tests will tell us more about as in her name and where she lives,  relatives other things to help us" Hah good luck with that. I kinda just don't want to be here, like who would? I hate the dark I feel my eyes are open but I can't really tell since its... dark I can see nothing.

"I assure you everything will be fine ok? My name is-"

Ow what the hell? Did she just stab me with a needle? Now I'm freaking a little bit. Great now I feel sleepier... sleep the thing that got me in this mess. Now It's pitcher than pitch black. The drug she stabbed me with is taking over, ugh I really shouldn't be here the most important day of my life, wait what was that again? This day just became the worst. Wait... What's happening?

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