Chapter 4

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A.N: Okay so this dedication is for her because she is a pure genius. Her plots are so creative and have never EVER been re-used. She is very talented so please go read her books they absolutley make my day :) Hopefully she may like my story. But I doubt that since I'm kinda a nobody lol kk love her, follow her, fan her, do what ever  and I'm done now bye :D

Samantha's POV

A beep, high and repetitive sounded out a rhythm that was slow; it was a background noise. Something I could and would become accustomed to; something I would come to ignore. The air was still, yet it was still there and I was thankful for it's prescience. It was like nectar as it slid in and out of my lungs. It would become something I would never take for granted. Other than my breathing and the beeping nearby the room was silent.

My back ached; if felt stiff and painful because I was lying on a piece of unforgiving, mattress. I looked around. I was on a hospital bed. In a hospital. White walls, laundry detergent smell and a nurse in the corner.Propping my-self up with my elbows and a burning sensation came into my lower abdominal and a scorching headache too. I lay back down and the nurse came in hearing my painful moaning.

      "Hello love." she said getting closer. She seemed sweet but I didn't really know her If she knew me. But then again I don't remember much.

      "We did a few test but to proceed we needed you to participate in a few games just so we know if are diagnosis is correct."

      "Okay" I said with a quiet voice and a sad smile. Honestly I just wanted to get home.

      She held out her hands for me to grab on to so I could get get out of my hospital bed. The pain was  burning  and I let out a small "yelp". My feet fit the ground and I started walking still holding her hands for balance. She offered a wheelchair to me but I declined. I want to get out of of here as soon as possible and if that means building up my strength just by walking a little then I'll do it.

She walked backwards slowly and looked behind her every other minute so she wouldn't fall backwards and I with her, or knock something over. She stooped me in-front of a wall that was blurry then I relized it was a poster that the letters kept getting smaller as you made your way to the bottom. 

    "Alright Hun, now read the letters from left to right and keep going down and I'll give you a treat!" she told me. Are you kidding me right now? A treat? I'm 18! And reward me with some fucking barney sticker or lollipop? Ugh whatever lets just get these 'games' over with. 

      "Okay, Q....W...S..H...U.T ....K..Y..B.."

I could only read the first line, and half of the second line. The rest were merely just a blur.

      "That's all I can read..."

      "Oh okay... um lets try the next tes- I mean game" she said she sounded worried if a nurse is worried that means you should be ten times worried.

I was led into a dark room with this huge white machine and I was directed over to it. It had a platform with a pillow, I suppose i'm getting in. It was like a metal bed but on top of half of it was cylider shape with wires and a panel with buttons. The nurse lay me down and said: " Ok love, now we are going to take some pictures of you, try to smile!" Was she really asking me to smile? I can barely remember anything even my name!

      "Melissa! Why are you talking to her like a seven year old? She should know that we are doing a few brain x-rays and other test to know if she has h-" someone said before being cut off by who I suppose was Melissa.

      "John, let me just deal with her this way ok I don't know how bad her conditions are, and I don't want to inform her yet that she has been dangerously hit and may suffer from ..." she trailed of I couldn't hear them speaking anymore. The wires she put on my forhead and the gears were much too loud. I suppose it was a good thing, I mean everything today will indeed effect my future. And I just don't want to know everything yet It was all coming so fast. 

After my x-ray I was wheeled into my old room. Yes wheeled into. She told me I'm not well enough to start walking long distances yet. Anyways she put the brokes on my chair and grabbed a different chair. Melissa just stared at me with a sympathetic smile. I was bloody nervouse I didn't know what to do so I spoke...

"Sooo..." I started

"Ok so hunny just a few questions and I can clarify your injuries" she said

"What's your name sweetheart?" she began. Probably the most easiest question in the world but I stuttered, struggling. Finding it hard to answer, do I not even know who I am?  

"Well my name is Samantha but I can't remember the rest.. I'm pretty sure my last name started with a B..." I stated

"Before all those games we did. Tell me how much you remember before those"

"Uhh well I got into a car crash, I know that" She smiled at that. Why would she smile at a car crash? Maybe because we are getting somewhere? I don't know, shut up Sam. I'm just going to keep answering. "before then I was running because I woke up late for something.... and I think that why I'm here due to my careless behavior in streets. Anything else I have no idea."

    "Okay two more questions. Do you have family members?" she asked sweetly really needing an answer. Now that I think about who did I live with for my life? Was I a normal or rebellious teen growing up? Did I have sibling of the same blood as me? If so why aren't they here?

"Uhh............ frankly.. erm ...... I have no idea." I sighed and she repeated.

"Last one. Do you have any contacts we can contact or do you live around in this area... " she asked

"Umm I'm pretty sure I don't have a phone or a home here last time I recalled I had a room key in my purse." pointing to one in the corner. She sprinted to it..... and she seemed pretty old like late 60s. But I liked her she was cute and not too bad in the running department.

"Aha!" she said holding up a room key. "Now that I know what room you are staying at I can call and figure your last name and find the credit card number you used also your emegency contact!" She was fast waliking out of my room smiling.

"Wait!" is all I said and she realized she forgot to tell me what condition i'm in.

"Oh right. Well Samantha you have two broken ribs" Wow thats it? Well that will heal this is pretty great news to me so fa--"and a diagnosis of Hematomas" she said. I completely not knowing what that was. "So Subdural Hematomas is a condition that has an area in you brain bleeding. Along with these symptoms: Worsening headache, Vomiting, Drowsiness and loss of consciousness, Dizziness, Confusion, and Pupils of unequal size. But it's not all that bad we caught the condition quick so we can heal it its just a matter of months. And You will be able to remember everything in a matter of time"

My mouth formed a perfect 'o' well I don't, what the hell? what just happened here? 

      "Also our scanning shows that you once before were hurt badly in the lower abdominal area. That punctured your organs." I knew I had felt this pain before but why was she bringing that up? Wouldn't that just be sore muscles or an effect from the accident?

"Samantha, you were healing nicely but this crash has affected your chances to, erm.. to reproduce." 


"Sam I'm sorry but you can't have children"


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