Chapter 18

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After an hour of the boy's criticizing everything I own, they decided we were going shopping. Could I do anything about them throwing everything I own out the window? I tried of course but the out come was fatal. Finding my new 'look' should be easy right? Just some clothes. Not my personality. Outside changes, inside doesn't. Right?

I mean that's all we are doing, buying me a few articles of clothing. A few graphic shirts or floral dresses. No biggy. But doesn't style affect who I am? What if I don't like what we buy? I am the one wearing the clothes after all. I do have a say in this, right? Why am I so nervous?

Sam you're being delusional! Stop being silly. They are just simply helping a friend, which is me. It's not that they don't want to be seen with me. No, they're my friends they'll know what's best.

Then why do I still feel not accepted.

They've shown multiple ways of being accepting and I actually did feel like I was apart of something. Almost like family. But every now and then it feels like they're trying to change me.

No, no i'm just being silly. 

"How do you like this Sam?" Niall held out a red shirt for me, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Um, yeah. It's nice, good," 

"Lou! I give up, she's still not cooperating," Sorry?

"I'll text the girls." He mumbled. 

"The girls?" Like females? My age? Oh my god this is so exciting. I actually get to meet other girls! No, wait, i'm still not even socially acceptable yet. Who even are the girls?

"Sophia is bringing Gemma. They'll be here in maybe twenty," 


"Liam's girlfriend and Harry's sister. They're very sweet." Louis attempted a smile but it really just wasn't there. Maybe he doesn't like them. No, no he has to, he suggested they come.

Going back to the racks I skim through the endless amounts of colors and sizes. I can't believe girls find this fun. Pastels, neons, prints, and a graphic every once in a while. It's kinda frustrating really. I wonder if those girls like shopping?

Then I found the it. Well a shirt. It had this cotton feel to it. It's perfect. The fabric was special and homey, I didn't even know why. It was just a turquoise green top. It had no print, nothing even special. Not even a pocket. But this just stood out like fireworks on the fourth of july. The simplicity of it, made 'it'.  

"This one," Niall came over to see what I had found.

"Is that it?" 

"Yeah, isn't great?" The confusion on his face was undeniable.  


 "Awesome!" I smiled and walked past him and heard him mutter an 'I'll never understand women'. Yeah, I don't either Niall.

After we paid for the shirt and left the store Louis led us to a fountain and told us 'the other girls will be here momentarily'. As the boys were talking non-chalantly, I was freaking out. Brushing the tangles out of my hair using my fingers, trying to look presentable for them. What if they absolutely hate me once they see me? What if they don't approve of me sleeping under the same roof as them? At this rate of worrying I was sure i'd be bald. My heart wouldn't calm down though. This will be the first real encounter with other humans, besides the boys. I could feel the anticipation and nerves thumping in my head, I was going to be sick.

"There they are!" Liam said with a smile. And it's as everything was in slow motion. The girls approached us, and they were flawless. Everyone was hugging and greeting then it came.

"Gemma, Sophiai this Sam," Liam started but just as the two girls came one foot fore ward, I took one back and vomited all the toxin's on Gemma's shoes.


I have never been more embarrassed in my entire life. I can't believe what just happened. Holy shit. Why me.


The girls faces' were washed over with pure shock and disgust. I cannot believe what just happened. I'm definitely not one for first impressions.

Jesus Christ, please find some sympathy for me.

Harry, oh he can't stop laughing though. He took me into the men's restroom and is helping me recover. Except he's laughing his ass off saying 'You're my hero' I'm surely not. And talking about 'I wish I had a video tape of that' I definitely don't.

"Sam this was the best day I've had in a long time thanks to you" He said still smiling like an idiot. 

"This is the worse day that I can remember, but I'm happy it's treating you well" I half heartily sass which results him to laugh harder. How is this funny? Why do people laugh at someone else's misery. This is humiliating.

"Awh come on Sam, don't be giving me that sass. You'll turn into Lou." That makes me crack a smile.

"Louis' not that bad" Harry stares at me momentarily. He has this questioning look but I choose to ignore it. He blinks and snaps his head away and continues to sponge my forehead which is soothing. 

"Okay, do you feel better?" Sadly yes.

"No, maybe you can just take me home" I smile innocently.

"Samantha you're going to see them sooner or later, you know that right?" Later I pick later.

"Harry," I look at him in the eyes "they already hate me"

"No they don't," 

"I kinda would, those shoes looked pretty new"

"They're shoes Sam, our dead grandmother's shoes maybe, but it's okay. Grandma only put it in her will so Gemma could at least wear them once right? " My eyes grow hugely, why would he say that? I'm going to be sick all over again. Fuck I can't express into words how much I- And that was Harry being Harry, because then he laughs.

"I'm kidding, loosen up." he laughs again. I don't know why though. "Sorry, sorry, wrong words to use. Look I can buy her new shoes and just be nice, apologize, and relax okay?" Seems easy enough. Okay I can do this.


 Hey guys this is such a bad chapter and terrible excuse for one i'm sorry. this was suppose to be 2x as long and been posted a long time ago. It's not fair to you guys who are even reading this. I most likely won't be posting again and if I do then for a really long time.

Between sports, friends grades, a new room, reading, highschool in general, and no motivation for this book it will most likely end here. I'm so sorry honestly i am. This book started as a joke but then I got into it and now any passion for it kinda died. 

I hate when authors do this and now i've done it.

If you comment and theres an actual chunck of people who want me to keep writing I'll start a new story or I'll try and continue this one because this one had a pretty badass ending originally.

Again I'm so so sorry-Liz

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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