Chapter 13: Why can't we have a fair fight?

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The Mentalists 2

The four were sitting at the counter, watching the footage when suddenly it went to static.

"What was that?" Camile asked, pointing.

Dean replayed the footage and it cut out at the exact same time.

"What the hell?" Melanie asked, leaning forward. "Oh my god."

Dean paused the video just in time to see a woman in a black dress float toward Camile. 

"Oh my god." Camile mutters. 

"Was that...? An actual...?" Melanie stuttered. 

"A ghost?" Alexis filled in for her. "Yeah. It was."

"She's right." Dean added. "Bona fide. Yeah. Well, no offence, but nobody's having psychic visions around here. This, uh, spirit, whoever she is, is giving them out."

"And then killing people?" Camile asked. 

"Until we stop her." Dean nodded. "Well, good news, you said you saw a clock, and it read 2 a.m. So that gives us a little time. Now, does anybody recognize this chick?" 

Alexis leaned against the back of Deans shoulder as she stood behind him. "Looks like a random ghost woman to me."

"I swear I've seen her." Melanie states. "Like in a painting or something."

"A painting? Uh..." Dean trailed off.

"No, not a painting. In one of those old photos in the museum."


"Lily Dale has long been a haven for the psychically gifted." The tour guide tells everyone as they follow him through the museum. "Tortured elsewhere, they're embraced here."

Sam, Dean and Alexis turn around at the sound of the voice and footsteps. 

"My own family has a modest, natural gift." The man continued, making Alexis roll her eyes. "We also celebrate our long and colorful history of...embellishers." The group leans closer to the glass case. "Ectoplasm illusions circa 1890." 

The three hunters walk into another room of the museum as the man continued talking about the ectoplasm. Alexis felt Deans hand on the small of her back as the two walked up the stairs.

She looked over her shoulder, smiling at him. When she turned back forward, she almost fell down the steps. Suddenly she was surrounded by burning, rage fire and pain. Hell was back. 

Alexis was finally pulled back to reality when she felt a pair of lips brush her cheek. She looked at Dean, wide-eyed. Her body relaxed when he smiled at her. 

Once reaching the top of the stairs, the three hunters enter a room filled with photos of sibling psychics that worked together. 

Eventually, the three end up in the middle of the wall, staring at the black and white photo of two men. The Mystifying Cambell Brothers, the small white writing read. 

"Never ended well for the siblings." A voice from behind the hunters made them turn. 

"Why's that?" Dean asked.

"Hm, the strain of working together." The man shrugged. "Or maybe just being around each other all their lives. Those two were the exception, actually, the Campbells got along famously. Of course, that was just a stage name. They weren't actually brothers. That was a cover for their, uh, alternative lifestyle. Any other questions I can answer?"

"Yes, uh...who are they?" Sam pointed to a picture of two woman, one being the woman that had been attacking the psychics.

"Oh, the Fox sisters. Among the founders of Lily Dale. Kate Fox, quite troubled apparently, but mesmerizing on-stage. She's said to be able to levitate objects and foretell one's death."

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