4. Afternoon

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AN: some of you contacted me about some details in this story. This is a sequel to another story! The first story is called Don't Get In A Stranger's Car. Go check it out and then come back!

*Ellie's POV*

"How would you feel if I signed you out for lunch?" I read the text under my desk in my honors biology class.

Excitedly, I text back, "um duh?!" to Amanda.

"Here's the catch: your mom will be there. You have to tell her about the perps. I'm telling her about the pregnancy."

Damn it. "Are you saying I have no choice?"

"She's gonna find out anyways, Babydoll. Either you tell her or I will."

"Fine. Sounds fun. Sort of."

I await the phone call in my next class with both excitement of getting out of reading Tale of Two Cities out loud in class and terror.

When the phone does ring, I jump, and continue staring down at my book.

"Ellie, you're being signed out," my teacher tells me.

Quickly, I shove my highlighter and book in my bag, then get up and head out to the front office. Just like the last time I got taken out of school, Amanda comes over to me and takes my bag as we walk out.

I throw my bag in the back seat and am about to close the door when I see Mom's in the passenger seat.

I shoot Amanda an "are you serious?" look, not sure if she'll get what I'm bent about. I knew she would be talking to us, but I was hoping Amanda would talk to me privately first.

We go to a diner and order burgers and fries. Amanda usually doesn't eat a whole lot, but today she does. I get why, but I hope Mom doesn't notice.

"So," Mom says, "what did we pull El out of school for?"

She's sitting across from me and Amanda, so I can't blatantly give Amanda messages through facial expressions.

"Two things," Amanda says. "Wanna go first, Babydoll?"

I open my mouth to say, "no," but then I realize it'll probably be a short conversation if Amanda tells her about being pregnant. Them two could go on forever about that.

"Does the rest of the squad know yet?" I ask Amanda.

"They do," she replies.

"They do what?" Mom asks.

"A couple days ago, me and Jordyn were walking home and someone ran between us. It was one of the five guys who tried to attack me." I avoid Mom's stare and look at my food. "When I watched him run, another one of the guys met up and ran with him."

In a loud whisper, I hear Mom say, "why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

"I-I didn't want you to worry, Mom. I know I should've-"

"You know how stupid that was, El? We may have found the perps by now! They could've taken you! For real this time! They-"

"I know, Mom! I just didn't want you to get all upset again. I wanted to tell you-"

"You should have told me right away!"

"Liv, it wasn't easy for her to tell me either," Amanda back me up. She's lying; it was so easy to tell her, but I know she's doing it to save my ass.

"Why would it be hard, Ellie? You want these people caught, right?" Mom asks me.

"Well yeah, but-"

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