6. Night Anouncement

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"Quite the little detective, isn't she?" Elliot asks.

"I'm calling Amanda."

I take out my phone and do so, seriously wondering if Amanda told her that.

"Yeah, I did, actually," Amanda tells me when I ask. I can hear her smile.

"So she's allowed to have sex anywhere else?" I ask incredulously.

"I didn't say that. I said no sex in my apartment. She told me she didn't want to have sex or kids so I assume she was alright with my telling her that."

"She definitely is closer to you if she told you that."

"I egged her on. Logan came over to work on homework and then I came in the room at around 8. They were making out by the door so I threw a rag at them. Logan left and we started talking," Amanda explains.

"Never use the term "they", referring to my daughter and "making out" ever again."

Just then, I hear Ellie's door open. She comes to throw her apple core away. She hears me. "I just called you out on making out," she says.

I slap her lightly with my hand and she scurries off.

"So do I get my Babydoll back tonight?"

"You actually miss her?" I ask jokingly.

"Maybe that's why we're closer! That was mean," she replies, just as serious, which is not at all.

"Well, it's late, so she can come back to you tomorrow."

"Why can't she come back tonight? I'm bored."

"You won't ever be bored once you have those kids," I tell her.

"Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk to you and Ellie about that."

She didn't say it in a scared or sad tone, but it still makes me nervous to hear that.


"Bring her over. Now."

"Wow being pregnant sure made you needy," I comment.

"Well, I miss her. Sorry," Amanda says only partly serious. "And then you and Elliot can get back to whatever the hell Ellie doesn't want to be there for."

I feel the blood drain from my face. "How did you know about that?"

"She texted me, and I quote, 'damn I wish I went back to your place tonight. I don't like walking in on my mom making out with somebody."

I pull the phone away from my face. "Ellie! Get in the car!" Then, into the phone, I say, "I'm gonna kill her. We'll be there in ten minutes."

I hang up and Ellie emerges from her room. "What, Mom?"

"Wanna stay here or go to Amanda's?"

"What's going on?" she questions. "Wait, never mind, I don't wanna know."

*Ellie's POV*

I just want to get out of here. I know I interrupted...something I don't want to admit to myself.

So as soon Mom drops me off and closes the door behind her, I say to Amanda, "They're hooking up now, happy?"

She laughs, remembering when I was all bent about my mom being so harsh. I told her never to say that my mom was hooking up with someone ever again.

I take off my shoes and throw them down the hall to the guest room.

"10 bucks, you trip over those and break your other ankle," Amanda comments.

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