18. Summertime

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"You're 15. You shouldn't have connections," Amanda comments.

"I do have a boyfriend, however."


"So you're welcome," I say.

"I know. Thanks."

Well, now that we got that out of the way, she can calm down a little.

I sit and watch her eat lots of weird food and help her fold baby clothes. They're so tiny, it's scary.

"Still scared?" I ask.

"Terrified," she replies with a smile.

I move a pile of onesies to the side to fold some more. "Still think it's two boys?"

"I have no idea, to be honest."

"I hope you have at least one girl."

"I've got you," she says. "That's more than enough."

"Mhm," I reply sarcastically.

"So how is therapy going...?" Amanda asks cautiously.

It takes me a little by surprise. Amanda hasn't asked me outright about that yet. Not that I never expected her to, but still.

"Fine, I guess," I say.

"You guess?"

"I dunno if I'm making progress or not and I'm assuming I'm not supposed to...so..." To avoid her gaze, I pick up another onesie.

"It's a process."

"I know. But I'm impatient."

"Well I'm definitely not in the liberty to say medically, but I would say you're doing better. You smile now, at least."

I roll my eyes. "Involuntary response."

"And that's good," Amanda says. "Babydoll, don't rush it. Or anything. You're definitely growing up too fast."

"It's not like I'm leaving for college," I say.

"Still. You're gonna be driving soon. And that's seriously freaking your mom out."

"Oh, she'll be fine," I say nonchalantly.

"How could you be so sure?"

"When the hell am I gonna need to drive anywhere? I can put off a license for a while."


I smile and move another stack over. Then I decide to just pick up as much baby laundry I can and carry it to the dresser in the nursery.

When I walk back out, I plop down on the floor and say, "So when I'm escaping my house, do I have to sleep on the couch now?"

"Unless you wanna sleep in the crib, yeah."

Damn. "That bed was so comfortable, though. Am I losing my nicknames too?!"

"You are and always will be my Babydoll. Don't get upset about that."

I smirk. "What are your kids gonna be called, then?"

"I'll decide that when I get to it. But no son of mine will be called Babydoll. Or Babygirl for that matter."

I laugh this time.

That's how my nights go for awhile. Staying with Amanda until Mom comes to get me. It's fun. And I get to stay at my two favorite places. The summer warms up Manhattan fast, and it lightens my mood even more.

I can definitely tell Mom is happier too. I don't know what drugs Elliot put her on but it's working.

I reconnect with Jordyn again, forgetting her through all of this. She knows what happened; she was at the trial. But I kind of cut off from her in the weeks following. Anytime I walk anywhere she is with me.

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