9. Sad, Confused, Mad

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She gets up and leaves, and I hear the shower turn on. Amanda's in no state to go to work today and anyone can see it. Hopefully she comes home early. I don't wanna be here all day by myself.

I hear the shower turn off, and then I just listen to the noises of Amanda getting ready for work. I hear her phone ring and she talks to someone, though I can't make out what she's saying. Following the call is the sound of her coming into the room again.

I play dead as she shakes my shoulder. "Babydoll, wake up," she says quietly.

"Wha?" I mumble into my pillow.

"It's all up to you today. Wanna hang at the precinct or stay here?"

"Uh-uh-uh" I say instead of 'I dunno'.

"Well I gotta go, so are you coming or not? I'm on desk duty now so I'll be there the whole day."

I left my head enough to nod and then I sit up. Amanda hugs me. "Get dressed, I'll be waiting."

I nod, standing up. Slowly, I rub my eyes and yawn, though I've been up for hours.

I pull my oversized hoodie and a pair of leggings off my shelf and slide them on. I brush my hair and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Both of which are a bit more difficult with crutches.

Amanda helps me to the car and puts my crutches in the back. We get to the precinct and everyone stares at me though they try not to. I pretend I'm not uncomfortable.

But all I can imagine is the fading black eye, the cut on my cheek, my crutches and cast, and the fact I know I look terrible. Luckily, the other bruises and cuts are covered by my clothing.

Mom can't even come see me because there's a case they need to investigate. I sit at her desk, my leg slung up onto her mousepad. I lean back and try not to fall asleep while playing Choco Blocks.

*Logan's POV*

"Logan, seriously, come down for breakfast right now!" I hear my mom say. With a roll of my eyes, I do as she says.

When I get downstairs, I silently groan as I hear the news is on.

"Police, especially the Manhattan Special Victims Unit, are still on the hunt for two, now determined, serial rapists," the woman reporting states. "Not much can be said about their whereabouts, but these men have attacked two teenage girls in the past month alone. Originally, this was a group of five, though three have been arrested. Sketch artists have come up with these images of the wanted. The victims have described them as wearing all black. If you suspect you see them, call the anonymous tipline listed below."

I keep munching on cereal, but somehow I'm interested in what this lady is saying.

I tap a couple buttons on my phone to pull up my short conversation with Ellie. "I'll explain tomorrow, if it doesn't make the news first."

The SVU is interested in this case. The victims are teenaged girls. Ashley got attacked. Ellie is her best friend. Is she the other victim?

No, she can't be. Ellie is the SVU kid. She wouldn't get attacked.

If that's true, why hasn't she been in school? Why hasn't she told me?

*Ellie's POV*

Mom leaves with Nick to go do something on a case, but nearly immediately comes back upstairs.

"Who the hell told the press about my daughter's attacker?!" she nearly yells.

"What, Liv?" Don asks her.

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