14. Cross

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AN: Can someone PLEASE tell me if my Wattpad covers are changing to other images? I noticed it on my phone on the app but on the website on my laptop they are fine. I think something is either up with my phone or the app because it won't let me post anything on the app. Nothing is syncing either. If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE let me know.

The perps are denied bail and have to stay at Riker's. Good. Ashley feels a lot better about that too.

Court is in 8 days. But in 3 I'm getting my cast off. When that day comes up, Ashley and Jordyn stay with me. I'm in and out and then I'm in physical therapy. It's not like I can't walk after two days, though. I did walk around with the cast on, anyways.

I'm still a little iffy if I walk long distances. But from my seat next to my mom to the seat on the stands, I'm fine.

I didn't expect Ashley to be given such leniency in questioning. But I did expect them to not take it easy on me.

When Casey's done questioning me, I wipe my eye in preparation for them to bring up all my supposed mistakes.

"So, you were at the store, not too far from your house?" the attorney asks me.


"Who's house were you supposed to be at?"

"I chose to be at Amanda Rollins's house."

"Chose? Why?"

"Because I wanted to."

"You don't like your home? Or, from what I've been told, you had some mental troubles dealing-"

"Objection!" Casey interrupts. "Relevance?"

"Keep yourself on track, Mr.Davis."

"Alright, so you were not at your own home for whatever reason and then were out of the house you wanted to be in anyways. Do you make a habit of being out so late?"

I roll my eyes. "No."

"Then why were you?"

"Because Amanda needed things from the store."

"And you had a broken ankle at the time. Actually, you just got a cast taken off. Your foot was originally in a boot. Hurt yourself walking to the store?"

"Those two-" I point, "-took it off! Not my fault."

"Still. Why did Detective Rollins send a hurt teenager instead of going herself?"

"Objection! Detective Rollins is not being questioned here!"

"Overruled. Answer the question Miss Benson."

Casey gives a look of annoyance toward the other attorney and sits.

"I was allowed to walk around in my boot. And it was supposed to come off soon anyways," I say with minor attitude.

"Answer the question. Why didn't Detective Rollins go?"

"Because she asked me to. And I gladly went. I don't like being in an apartment all day." I lean back in the seat, showing how ridiculous I think his questions are.

"But she knew you were hurt."

"And I didn't care."

"Seems like you don't even care about this trial," he accuses.

"I don't care about these questions you're asking me."

I glance to my left and Casey has raised eyebrows. But she's hiding a smirk.

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