19. Back Into Rhythm

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"Told you you freaked for nothin'," Amanda says casually.

"Well how was I supposed to know the Larssons were moving in above us?"

"Pay attention to the vacant signs disappearing?"

I roll my eyes.


"Okay, Ellie."

*Ellie's POV*

First day of 10th grade. And I'm really not prepared.

For medical, emotional, and physiological reasons - apparently - me and Ashley have as many classes together as possible. She doesn't take honors math, but I do. And because there's no regular and honors math classes that fit with both our schedules, while she's in history, I'll be learning algebra 2 and vice versa.

That's alright I guess.

I roll out of bed and take a shower. I throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, then dry my hair. Ashley is knocking at the door before I'm even done.

She enters anyways because she's had a key since we were like 8.

"Hey," she says, "do you have that shirt with the tribal skull on it? I can't find anything to wear."

"Shocker. Yeah. In my dresser.

I run the brush through my hair one more time before following her out.

"Hey, you still have my acid washed shorts?"


"Can I have them back?" I ask.

"The shirt goes better with the shorts you're wearing."

"Fine, I'll raid your closet later. Hungry?"

"Nah," she says.

I nod and grab my bag, letting her follow me out.

I quickly brush my teeth and wait for Ashley to get what she forgot from her apartment. Then we head to school, parting to get schoolbooks. This is one of the few times I'll be alone at school: when I go to my locker in the morning.

I turn the dial right, left, right, and the metal contraption swings open. All my extra school supplies are in there, along with pictures taped up of me and my friends and family.

I just kind of stand and stare for a little while, realizing how much has changed in roughly 365 days. Last year, it was my first day of high school. Last year, I would grab my stuff, meet with Ashley and Jordyn by Homeroom. Last year, we would all leave together carelessly walking the streets, only separating when we had to walk to different places.

This year, I'll grab my stuff, find another meeting place for me and my friends, and Logan, for that matter. This year, we'll walk the streets cautiously and Jordyn will separate from the group when she turns to go home.

As much as I'm glad it's different, I feel a bit of longing for last year. Pre-gang raper time, of course.

School, actually, isn't as bad as I originally thought. My classes have teachers that, so far, don't make me want to shoot them. Ashley is in most of my classes and Jordyn is in history and lunch with me.

Hopefully this year goes by a lot more smoothly than last year did.

*Olivia's POV*

"Liv, jeez," I hear Nick say.

I slam my phone down on the desk again. My head goes in my hands next.

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