11. Argumentation

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*Elliot's POV*

"Is Ellie here?" I don't like this kid already.

"Yeah. El?" I call, looking back at the brunette on the couch.

"Let him in," she requests. "Don't be overprotective like Fin."

I roll my eyes and open the door all the way. Ellie looks up at smiles at whoever this boy is. I feel weirdly uncomfortable. But I know Ellie doesn't want me here while her...friend is.

"Ellie, I'm gonna head to the precinct, okay?"

"To talk to Fin?"

"To talk to your mother."

"Talk to Amanda. She doesn't have the same opinion as the two of them," she requests.

"Am I missing something here?" the boy asks.

"Everything," Ellie smirks. I take that as my cue to leave.

*Olivia's POV*

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She was awake when your alarm went off. She was sitting in the kitchen," he tells me. "I don't think she's really sleeping."

"Is that the only proof you have?"

"Sort of. She went back to bed and I checked on her like a half hour later. She was faking it."

"How do you know?" I'm worried, but very annoyed because of how stressed I am.

"How does Ellie sleep?"

"On her stomach, arms around her pillow." She's done that since she was little.

"She was on her side, arm over the edge."

I nod and sit back. "So what am I supposed to do about this? I can't just make her sleep." I think back to what I did go help me sleep. "I'm not putting her on sleeping pills!"

"I didn't say you had to. I'm saying get her help."

Get her help? She doesn't want help! The only person more stubborn than me is her.

"She won't agree to that, El," I say, standing up, going to go back to my desk. He stops me.

"You didn't either," he reminds me.

"I'm not forcing her. I only went when I found out I was pregnant. She doesn't have anything to do anything for, so she's not going to do anything."


"She's more stubborn than I am. Remember how she wouldn't even take pain pills?"

"You're her mother. She's a minor. You can make her do whatever the hell you want."

"Well if she refuses to talk, then what's the point of paying for a shrink?"

"Make her talk to Huang," Elliot says.

"She wouldn't even talk to him when we were on Ashley's case."

I let him follow me back to the squadroom. "You just have to try, Liv," he says.

"I will when I can. Is that all you came down here for?" I ask, trying not to sound as rude as I think it does.

"You know a boy your daughter is hanging out with?"

"Logan," I say.

"Still think he's a rich punk," Fin calls from his desk.

"He's a nice kid," Amanda defends.

"And you don't have kids," Fin fires back, not being all that serious.

"Yet. And you're seriously overprotective. You had him tagged as a rich punk as soon as he opened the door when you went to talk to him."

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