Chapter 8

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"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Mina again yelled at her brother who could only laugh it off.

"Don't you find it weird?" He asked "You are so smart while I am not. You were born in The United States of America... How your stupid parents will go there while they can barely read!" He insulted his own parents which made Chaeyoung frown and butt in "I was always jealous of your aura and genes. They scream power and intelligence!"

"Watch your mouth young boy," he said in disgust while stepping forward and pushing Haruto with ease causing the older to trip. He calmly placed his hand on Mina's back. The latter was staring at her brother in shock. She can't say or do anything. Her whole life has been a lie.

Chaeyoung looked at Taecyeon and nodded. The latter understood that it was the right time for him to drag Haruto outside the mansion and the unsober guy left without saying anything. Chaeyoung gently put his hand on the back of her skull and pulled her into a tight hug that she needed.

"Aren't you mad at me?" She asked and pulled away. She stared at his soft eyes that could melt her.

"No, but I have some questions. But no I am not mad at you" He made Mina sit on the couch and squat in front of her "What happened the day you took the money"

Not forget to mention how Chaeyoung didn't leave her hands at all, Mina was shocked by his reaction as she expected him to be mad at her but Chaeyoung handled it very calmly.

"I took the money Haruto stole from a guy called Dean" She looked away and bit the inside of her lower lip, preventing herself from breaking down upon the memory of that day "I gave him the money but he tried to" she muted and it was enough for Chaeyoung to understand.

"That explains the bruise on your cheek on the wedding day" He connected the dots. He stood up angrily and kicked the coffee table making Mina flinch "What's his address?"

Mina stood up to calm down her fumed husband "I won't tell you his address when you are in this state" she said and cupped his face "Please calm down, I am already shattered and confused"

Chaeyoung realized how bad Mina's condition is. He pulled her into a warm hug and apologized "What do you want to do now?"

"I want to go to my parents' house" She replied instantly "I want to know the truth from them"

Chaeyoung nodded "Let's go together"

"You have work-"

"Shush, I won't leave you on a day like this. We are in this together" He smiled warmly at her and she mirrored his action. She didn't know that he would be the best gift in her life. He didn't hesitate to call his secretary and cancel all his meetings today his priority is Mina from now on.


The ride to Mina's parents' house was calm. Mina was drowned in the sea of thoughts in her mind. What if Haruto's words are right? What if she is not his biological sister?

Chaeyoung noticed how uneasy Mina was before he held her hand and smiled warmly at her. The two arrived at Myoui's household, Mina rang the bell with a shaking hand. Akari opened the door and met the two with the warmest hug but they barely reacted.

"Oh! Welcome my beautiful couple! Nice haircut my daughter!" Kaito smiled. Mina stared at her parents blankly and they noticed her odd behaviors.

"Can we talk for a bit?" She asked and they nodded. The four of them headed to the living room. Akari and Kaito were exchanging stares while Mina was looking down with frowned brows. She doesn't know how to start this conversation.

"Haruto visited me today. He wasn't sober and he told me something" She looked at her parents and prayed that what Haruto said was a lie "He said that you are not my biological parents. Is that true or not?"

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