Chapter 11

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Chayeoung protectively wrapped his arm around Mina's tiny waist while side-eyeing Ken who looked at Mina in shock. The latter was so focused on her husband that she didn't notice Ken's presence.

"What should I do? Can you open the Mail for me?" She asked while holding her phone with a shaking hand until her eyes met Ken's "Oh, sorry I didn't introduce myself. I am Son Mina, and sorry for interrupting your meeting"

"No need to apologize. We are done anyway" Ken replied while walking toward his daughter "I am Ken Watanabe"

"Oh Japanese?" Mina grinned "My parents are also Japanese" She gulped after realizing what she just said. She can't get over the fact that the family she grew up with isn't her biological family.

Ken was mesmerized by Mina's beauty, he couldn't look away and Mina noticed his weird behaviors but decided to look back at Chaeyoung who was reading the Email with a smile on his face.

" 1st of December 2022

Dear Son Mina,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the class of the first year at Yonsei University. You will find a full admission package attached to this admission letter. It includes all the documents needed to follow up on the registration which have to be submitted within 24 hours no later than the 2nd of December. Congratulation. We are looking forward to seeing you.


Admission Officer/Counsellor"

Mina cheered before she wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's neck who was rubbing her back "You made it" he said. Ken was smiling at the sight, seeing his daughter happy and between Chaeyoung's arms.
"Shall we celebrate then?" Ken suggested earning a glare from Chaeyoung. Mina looked at her husband's reaction waiting for his response "We were about to have lunch together, right Chaeyoung? It's my treat this time" Ken lied.

To not make things suspicious and make a fuss. Chaeyoung nodded. He grabbed his coat and walked out of the office followed by Mina and Ken. The couple walked while holding hands.

"You don't like him, right?" Mina whispered to Chaeyoung as they were waiting for the elevator.

"Not that much" Mina hummed as they entered the lift.

From driving to the restaurant, choosing the right table, and ordering food. Ken was facing Mina who was sitting beside Chaeyoung.

"So, how did you two meet?" Ken asked. Chaeyoung and Mina looked at each other, they laughed upon remembering their first encounter.

"At a supermarket" Mina replied.

"It was love at first sight" Chayeoung added and held Mina's hand. Simultaneously, a waiter came and placed their plates on the table. Ken was watching Mina's details. Her charming smile, her eyes sparkle whenever she looked at Chaeyoung, and how she elegantly ate the steak.

Ken was happy that his daughter grew up well and healthy. It made him rethink about exposing the truth to her. Knowing that your parents abandoned you and aren't the best people won't be easy on her.

"I have a big surprise for you" Chayeoung whispered to Mina.

"What is it?" Mina asked excitedly.

"Secret" he grinned "you will know at night"

"I love you so much Chaeyoung" Mina soft-spoken.

Chaeyoung's phone rang cutting their moment off "Hello?" he answered while putting the phone to his ear.

"Son Chaeyoung, this is Rose. I am in Seoul. Let's meet"

He yelped as he looked at both Ken and Mina who were chatting a bit "Send me your location." He said getting up "Thank you for your invitation mister Ken. Now excuse me I have work to finish" He said faking a smile.

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