Chapter 12

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Ken stood up from his seat, anger showing on his face. The guy in front of him had his head hung low.

"Where is she right now?" He yelled a bit.

"At the hospital, she needs to undergo surgery"

"How about her condition?"

"We don't know y-" The guy was cut off by a slap from Ken "Useless," He said as he made his way out of the office "Find who published those articles! They are false, I know what Chaeyoung was doing!" He ordered his men.


Chaeyoung was in the ambulance car. He kissed Mina's hand who was unconscious. The paramedic put neck braces on Mina before they wiped the blood from her forehead.

"Wake up my love" Chaeyoung cried "I am sorry, It's my fault"

Not so much passed and they arrived at Seoul hospital. Chaeyoung's father and stepmother along with Akira and Kaito. Mina was rushed to the surgery room and everyone watched her lying on the stroller bed.

Chaeyoung leaned on the wall while Duho came to pat his shoulder "I didn't cheat on her. I will never do that I am not a gambler father" Chaeyoung justified himself.

"It's not the right time to talk about that Son, let's pray for Mina now" Duho smiled.

"The company is going into a downfall because of him!" Garam nagged "We should fix it!"

Chaeyoung glared at his stepmother "I want to make sure my wife is alright. She is my priority at the moment!"

Simultuaesnly Bangchan and Nayeon sprinted toward Chaeyoung. They gave him a tight hug that he sure needed.

"It's not true, right?" Nayeon worriedly asked.

"Of course, they are not!" Bangchan defended his best friend "Chaeyoung is the most loyal husband. He had his reasons to go to these places"

Chayeoung got teary-eyed and nodded before he saw Rose walking to his side "Where is she? How is her condition?" She asked.

"Who is she?" Nayeon whispered to Banbchan.

"I have no idea but she is damn pretty" He replied between gritted teeth.

A nurse came out of the surgery room "We need blood type A. She bled a lot from her head and she has a broken leg."

"I will donate!" Rose didn't hesitate to butt in "My blood type is A too"

"Who are you even?" Garam asked but Rose chose to ignore her and walk over to the nurse "Take my blood, please"

Chaeyoung smiled at the sight. He knows Rose's heart is soft. He watched the two head to the blood bank.

Unlike everyone's depressed and anxious expressions. Jiyoung was walking proudly while whistling.

"My thoughts and prayers are with you." He emphasized. Duho glared at him before Chaeyoung raged and pinned him to the nearest wall.

"IT'S YOU!" Chaeyoung furiously hollered.

"Sir! It's not a place for you two to fight!" A nurse scolded while Bangchan did his best to separate the two. Chaeyoung dragged Jiyoung outside of the hospital and the latter couldn't even fight back or set himself free from Chaeyoung's grip. He pushed Jiyoung to the wall and the latter watched his old friend blankly. "I am one hundred percent sure that you hired those assholes to stalk me!"

"Don't throw assumptions Chaeyoung-ah, I can put you in jail for that" Jiyoung provoked while fixing his suit.

"Mina is always the victim of all your evil plans"

"It's not my problem" Jiyoung shrugged "As long as you are suffering, I am happy. Fate is helping me. I am hurting you by using your wife unintentionally" He spat. Chaeyoung was disappointedly staring at Jiyoung and how he was full of hatred for no reason.

"So it's your planning?" Ken asked as he approached the two. Jiyoung stepped back in fear upon seeing his father.

"Sir" Chaeyoung bowed his head humbly to the older.

"How is her condition?" Ken asked worriedly.

"She is still under surgery, she will be fine" Chaeyoung replied while staring down.

"How do you two know each other?" Jiyoung asked earning a slap from Ken. Chayeoung intently cheered at the sight "We have a lot to talk about Kwon Jiyoung! We don't hurt our family, that's what I thought you"

"What family?" Jiyoung asked confusingly and stared at Chaeyoung.

"Mina is my daughter" Ken confessed and Jiyoung was caught off guard. He leaned on the wall behind him as he realised that all the time Mina was the one that getting hurt and she was his biological sister.

"Chaeyoung! The doctor is out!" Nayeon yelled at Chaeyoung who rushed to the surgery room. He held Mina's hand as soon as he saw her lying on the stroller bed before they took her to her own room.

"How's her condition?" Akira asked.

"She is doing great, there was a cut on her head but we managed to stop the bleeding and the little angel protected her" He smiled happily.

"Little angel?" Chaeyoung repeated.

"You didn't know? Mina is pregnant. We will do an echography as soon as she wakes up" He stated.

Chaeyoung sat on the chair next to him and laughed. Duho gripped his son's shoulder "Congratulations my son" He patted the hand on his shoulder and rushed to Mina's room. He watched her sleeping for almost three hours. Their parents left as it was getting late and they got tired, Bangchan was falling asleep on the chair beside him. Nayeon, on the other hand, was doing her best to turn off the rumors and suing the journalist.

Chaeyoung got up as soon as he saw Mina's eyebrows move.

"Mina, my love" He whispered. Chaeyoung caressed Mina's head as soon as she opened her eyes. "Bangchan, call the nurse"

The latter obediently nodded and sprinted to the floor's reception. With Chaeyoung's help, Mina was able to sit down "I'm glad to hear your surgery went well without any complications. The worst part is over, now just rest and feel better soon." Sait the nurse as she checked the IV bag "Now get ready for the echography"

Mina stared down at her casted leg "Echography? For what?" she asked confusignly with half-lidded eyes.

"Mina, honey. You are pregnant" Chaeyoung said while cupping her face. But Mina yanked his hands away. The nurse left the two alone after sensing some tension between the two.

Mina caressed her tummy and smiled "Don't think that will change anything. I want to get a divorce"

"D-divorce?" Chaeyougn stuttered "No! Never. I won't let my son or daughter be raised without me! You need to listen to me!" Mina kept glaring at her husband fiercely "I won't let you go, Mina. Even if I had to lock you down!"

"We are back to your toxicity!" She fired back.

Chaeyoung frowned "I will tell you everything later now I need you to get better! That's all. I won't leave your side, keep that in your mind"

The nurse interrupted the two as she needed to take Mina to the echography room. After putting gel on her tummy and the doctor examining the screen. A wide smile formed on the doctor's lips "You are pregnant in the seven's week with twins"

"Twins?" Mina asked shockingly.

"Amazing! I planning on having seven!" Chaeyoung stated excitedly.

"Seven?" The doctor exclaimed "That's a lot" he laughed while handing Mina the tissues.

"My husband is very ambitious don't mind him. It won't happen" She said glaring at him. Chaeyoung caught Mina off guard as he carried her bridal style.

"Let me down," She said between gritted teeth. But her wiggled his eyebrows playfully and walked to her room. He placed her on the bed carefully and covered her with the blanket "Sleep well for now"

"That won't change anything Chaeyoung. I want to break up with you" she said.

To be continued...

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