[🎲] Instincts (Blue + Killer)

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Summary: Blue heads downstairs after hearing crashing noises, assuming that Killer was just having another sleepwalking incident. He finds something much more conflicting.

Characters: Blue, Killer, Unnamed robber

Word Count: 1,353

Trigger Warnings: Blood, attempted robbery
"K-Killer? Why is there blood on your face?"

Blue's voice shattered any form of tension that was in the air. His hand gripping the wooden handrail running down the stairs, he tried to make out more of the scene around him. Despite the pitch blackness of the living room, he could clearly make out his friend sat atop a cowering figure, holding a knife ready to do something Blue had hoped he'd never see him do again.

Killer's heavy panting filled the silence as his head turned to face Blue.

"It isn't how it looks.."

Blue slowly approached him, being mindful of the shattered glass vase on the floor. It was one they'd both picked out together when choosing a house to live in.

"T-then what are you doing?"

Killer took a deep breath as Blue continued towards him. In that moment, he was more scared of Blue than he was the man lying beneath him.

"He.. he broke in, I heard him so I came down here and.."

"And?" Blue probed, gently grasping the hands which held the knife.

"He started it! I wouldn't have attacked him if he didn't attack me first!" Killer defended, looking between Blue's hands clasped onto his and the probable robber.

Blue gently took the knife from his hands, dropping it onto the floor before kicking it away underneath the sofa.

"I don't blame you."

Blue knelt down and let go of Killer's hands. He turned to face the cowering figure beneath Killer, who was shaking and quietly pleading for his life.

"We should call the police.. they'll take care of him, Kill-"


The shout caused Blue to lightly jump, it was unexpected. He blinked a few times before Killer seemed to slightly sink into himself, turning to face the man.

"He'll bring back-up if we call the cops.. we should deal with him before he tries anything." Killer clarified.

Blue sighed and shook his head.

"This isn't Nightmare's Gang, Killer. If you "deal with him" the police will arrest and charge you and you'll be stuck in a jail cell for the rest of your life.. probably."

Killer looked away, shuffling uncomfortably.

"I know you're nervous about the police. If you want you can write down what happened on a notepad and when they ask about it I can show them that instead of you having to talk directly to them?" Blue offered, trying to figure out any way to keep Killer from further harming the man.

"I've already hurt him, that's assault.. right?" Killer asked.

Blue noticed the cuts on the trespasser's body, one being directly across his face. He winced briefly as he realised how horrible a scar it would leave.

"He attacked you first, right? I think.. it would be classed as self defence. A-as long as you don't hurt him further, that is." Blue spoke, hurriedly adding on the last part.

Killer nodded, gesturing towards the phone that hung on their wall. A tad old fashioned, but Blue had had it installed to make Killer feel more at home after extensive questioning about Nightmare's personal decor choices.

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