[🎲] Kitchen Mishap (Blue + Killer + Nightmare)

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Summary: Blue leaves Killer alone for a short period whilst he goes shopping. When he gets home, it's not quite what he's expecting.

Characters: Blue, Killer, Nightmare

Word Count: 887

Trigger Warnings: Blood, dust & death [ment.]
Blue immediately froze upon seeing the figure in front of him. He wasn't entirely sure why he was there, or what he was planning on doing.

Nightmare threw an apple into the air and caught it effortlessly, staring at the smaller skeleton with a grin on his face.

"Y'know it's impolite to drop by without letting me know first." Blue spoke, placing the shopping bags he was carrying onto a nearby shelf, never breaking eye contact with Nightmare.

"Well, I didn't know you weren't here. Besides, why would I bother informing you if you aren't the reason I'm here?" Nightmare responded, walking over to the bags.

Blue sighed irritably. It wasn't as if he disliked or hated Nightmare in any way, he just wished he would stop randomly dropping by; or that he'd at least stick to a schedule. There'd been a few times in the past Dream and Nightmare had bumped into each other because of it.. it never ended well for anyone.

"I could have you charged for trespassing, you know that?"

Nightmare bit into the apple, tentacles going through the bags. "You wouldn't."

Blue put his hand on his hip, irritated by the entire predicament.

"Would you stop going through those bags? They aren't yours!" He half-asked, gently nudging Nightmare away.

Nightmare pulled out a fly swatter from one of the bags, looking it over. His eye went from the swatter to Blue, the grin on his face widening.

"Put that down! You can't just walk in here and start claiming stuff as your own, Nightmare! This isn't some place that houses criminals!" Blue half-yelled, glaring at Nightmare.

"Blue!" Killer yelled, excitement in his voice.

Blue turned, fully prepared to yell at Killer for letting Nightmare in without his permission - something he'd scolded him many times before about. Instead, he stopped in his tracks.

It was definitely Killer who stood in front of him if the black goop pouring out of his eyes was anything, but the blood and dust which covered him almost from head to toe was almost enough for Blue not to recognise him. He knew that Killer had a murderous streak, but to go so far.. to have that much on him.. it upset Blue heavily.

He ripped the fly swatter from Nightmare's hands before hitting Killer with it repeatedly, slight grunts coming with each hit.

"B-Blue! Gah- what are you doing?!" Killer yelled, holding his hands out to protect himself.

"I can't believe you! We had a deal! I even let Nightmare come visit you! I cannot believe you'd do this!" Blue screamed, still hitting him.

"Wow, this is worse than-"

Blue turned to Nightmare and held up the fly swatter. "Shut up!"

Nightmare crossed his arms, staring at Blue as if he was daring him to hit him with the fly swatter.

Blue turned back to Killer, who was now peering at him from behind the sofa.

"Who did you kill?" Blue asked.

He heard Nightmare laugh from behind him. It was only a short, muffled laugh but it was still enough to spark his anger to new levels as he turned and slapped Nightmare with the swatter.

"I know you had something to do with this!" He yelled.

There was silence as Nightmare comprehended what Blue had done. Blue rolled his eyes and turned back to Killer, who now had a look of confusion and slight amusement on his face.

"Kill..? What are you on about?" Killer asked.

Blue gestured towards Killer, mainly at his outfit. Killer looked down and promptly stood up, wiping the dirt off his clothes.

"It's.. uh.. not what it looks like, that's for sure." Killer spoke, nervously chuckling.

Blue approached him, gently hitting the fly swatter onto his hand.

"H-hey, wait! It's food colouring and flour, I promise!" Killer half-yelled, gesturing towards the kitchen.

Sparing a glance towards the kitchen, Blue did a double take as he saw the absolute mess that was Killer's obvious attempt at baking.

"I got bored so I invited Nightmare over and he went and found me something to do! That thing was.. baking.. which I'm bad at but I was so bored I just had to do something!" Killer hurriedly explained.

Blue looked back at Nightmare for confirmation, but saw him still staring at the spot where Blue had swatted him.

Blue looked back at Killer, trying to process what was going on. "We don't have red food colouring."

"I know! Nightmare brought me some, it's in the kitchen on the shelf if you don't believe me!" He further defended, trying to escape the fly swatter.

Blue sighed and threw the fly swatter onto the floor, walking back over to the bag and pulling out the wine he'd bought over the shop.

He presented it to Nightmare. "If I give you this will you not kill me?" He calmly pleaded.

Nightmare grabbed the bottle with a tentacle. Blue took this as an agreement. He turned his attention back to Killer.

"I thought you'd killed someone, Killer! You can't just walk around like that! How did you even manage to get food colouring over you?!" Blue scolded.

Killer crossed his arms. "Pure talent." He grinned.

"Pure talent, my ass.." Blue muttered, wandering into the kitchen to deal with the aftermath of Killer's attempt at baking.

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