[🎲] Nightmare Faints (Dust + Killer + Error)

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Summary: Nightmare has never been known to faint, until now at least.

Characters: Dust, Killer, Error, and uh.. Nightmare.. somewhat

Words: 1,278
"What do you mean he fainted?!"

The question lingers in the air as Dust tries to think of a response other than 'I don't know', knowing it wouldn't satiate Killer's anxiety over his Boss.

"He just.. fainted."

The moment the words came out of his mouth Dust was already chastising himself for giving such an awful answer. He was aware he was bad at things like this but to such an extent where he can't even give a fully structured sentence? He was finding it quite pathetic.

"Good job! Do you have any other information or is it just that he fainted, which I already knew because he's on the bed unconscious right in front of me?!" Killer frustratedly yelled at his teammate.

Laying in Dust's bed was Nightmare, the back of his hand covering the upper part of his face as if to protect himself from something. He'd been there for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes in actuality.


"Seriously? Nothing?!"

Dust walks over to Nightmare's side and prods him gently, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Nothing. We were talking and I turned my back to him for a few seconds whilst grabbing something he asked for and I turned back when I heard him collapse, that's all."

Killer falls backwards into a nearby seat and puts his head into his hands, sighing in irritation.

"He's Nightmare, Dust. Nightmare doesn't just.. faint!" He shouted, taking his head out of his hands to look towards Dust.

"Well he does now! If it's just a normal faint then he'll be alright, but if not.." Dust trails off near the end.

Killer stands up and walks over to Dust, looking between him and Nightmare.

"If not?"

"Then I don't know. Yeah, it's worrying but.. it could just be heat exhaustion." Dust explains, trying to find a plausible explanation to calm Killer down.

"Right.. I dunno if you've noticed but there's no Sun here. There's no heat. There's literally nothing here in this AU that could cause heat exhaustion." Killer responds, agitation seeping through his voice.

Dust sighs and walks over to the nearby bookshelf in the corner of his room, the place he'd already checked over dozens of times by now for any reasonable explanation for what could've caused Nightmare's predicament. He begins to check again, flicking through the pages of books which would otherwise go unused.


Dust turns to see what caused the noise, seeing Killer pacing back and forth impatiently.

"You're overreacting, he's fine." Dust says, turning back to the books.

He hears Killer stop for a moment. In that moment he thinks of all the things that could happen, from Killer storming out to Killer straight up attacking him.

"I'm overreacting..?" Killer spoke, his voice quiet yet hateful.

Dust closes the book and turns to his teammate, nodding.

"I have known that man for years, so many years- so many more than you have," he began, storming over to Dust, "never in those years have I ever seen him pass out, not even show any sort of symptoms or signs that he needs to or wants to or whatever the Hell else can be said about that. This shit right here-" he gestures towards his Boss, "-is NOT normal and you are underreacting!" He finishes, prodding Dust's chest with his finger.

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