[🎲] An unfortunate accident (Dream + Cross)

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Summary: Dream comes home covered in blood stains, Cross assumes the worst.

Characters: Dream, Cross

Word Count: 1,195

Trigger Warnings: Blood, animal death (ment.)
"Cross? What are you doing?" Dream asked, halfway through taking off his shoes near the front door of his and Cross' home.

Cross stood in the doorframe to their living room, arms full of different healing supplies from bandages to healing gel. He was worried about something, Dream could sense it.

"You're covered in blood." He spoke matter of factly.

Dream looked down and gasped. He'd completely forgotten about how he looked - had he really gone through town on his way home covered in blood? It would certainly explain the odd stares that he got from the townspeople.

"It's not mine, Cross! I just happened to get caught up in an accident and it sprayed on me.. that's all." Dream explained, offering a small smile as an attempt to comfort him.

Cross placed the supplies onto the floor, walking over to his friend. He looked him over, searching for any indication that he was lying about what happened. He saw nothing.

"An accident..?" He questioned, wondering what could've happened to cause something like that to happen.

Dream finished removing his shoes and wandered into the living room, Cross trailing behind him.

"I was on a walk near a road tonight, it was so very nice. Quiet, warm and serene.. then an animal jumped into the road when there was an oncoming truck and.. well.. I think you understand what happened." He explained, trailing off near the end.

"Ah.. are you okay?" Cross asked, walking into the kitchen.

Dream smiled, stretching. "I'm okay, I've seen worse."

Cross walked back into the living room holding a plate of homemade cookies. Dream had given him an option of taking up a hobby or getting a job.. neither of which he particularly fancied but he figured having an inside based hobby where he didn't have to talk to people for the time being was a lot better than any other option that was available to him.

He placed the plate of cookies onto the table, turning to Dream.

"You're getting better at lying." He said, sitting down.

Dream began removing his accessories, letting them drop to the floor.

"Thank you, Cross." He responded, removing his gloves.

Cross scrolled through the tv aimlessly, trying to avoid looking at Dream. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen Dream solely in his bodysuit numerous times before, but every single time it was awkward for him. Dream never seemed to have any problem stripping randomly, Cross had numerous assumptions for why he was like that, but none could be proven without involving Dream's likely traumatic memories.

"I need to shower soon to get rid of this smell, do you think you can throw my clothes into the washing machine whilst I do so?" Dream asked, leaning over the sofa.

"..Sure. Just remember I'm going to bed soon, so if you decide to take too long and the washing machine explodes and ruins your clothes-"

"It's my fault, I know." Dream responded, rolling his eyes.

A small grin appeared on Cross' face for a moment, but it was noticed by Dream regardless.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothin'.. Horror's just influencing my sense of humour again." He responded, briefly looking at Dream.

Dream placed a hand onto his shoulder. "Were you going to make a joke about the deer exploding in a similar manner to the washing machine?" He asked.

"Yeah.. figured it wouldn't be that funny though." Cross responded, putting down the remote.

He stood up and walked over to Dream's clothes, picking them up with little issue. Between the pair Cross was more accustomed to blood than his friend was, with Dream being quite squeamish around the liquid in a large number of cases. It was a surprise to Cross that Dream was this calm after getting covered in the substance, but he'd seen and learnt from his own experience that shock could cause things like that to happen.

"Dream?" He called out.

"Yes, Cross?" Dream responded, turning to face Cross from his position halfway up the stairs.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked, remembering how Nightmare used to make him hot chocolate whenever he went into a state of shock.

Dream blinked a few times, seemingly incapable of response.

"Uh.. sure. I don't know what I want, though.. something cold I think." He responded, half-sure of his answer.

Cross nodded and headed into the kitchen, leaving Dream to continue his probable shower quest.

He opened the washing machine and placed the clothes inside, setting it up.

He sighed, reminiscing on the embarrassing memory of his first time using a washing machine. He had managed to flood Dream's kitchen on his first week living with him and had to rush outside to fetch more cleaning clothes to wipe it all up. Thankfully Dream had forgiven him and moved on, finding the situation funny enough for him not to face any punishment.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he wandered over to the cabinets full of different tea flavours and cups. He pulled out a relatively small cup with blue raspberry flavoured tea - it wasn't exactly Dream's favourite but it was the only one that Cross was confident could be made into iced tea whilst still retaining most of its taste.

He poured some of the tea into the cup, filling it with cold water after doing so. He'd never understood the deal with iced tea until the first time he'd spent the summer with Dream. Within the boundaries of his previous home - Nightmare's Hideout - there were always relatively low temperatures all year around, there was never any reason to cool down or warm up - it was always neutral. When he felt the scorching hot heat of the sun constantly on him all day, when he couldn't fall asleep at night, when he'd almost pass out opening the oven from the extreme heats meeting each other.. that was when he'd discovered how great iced tea truly was.

"Sometimes I can't tell if you're dissociating or if you're lost in thought."

He jumped slightly and turned to face the voice. He smiled gently as Dream leaned against the doorway, wearing baggy clothes he'd likely gotten as gifts from his oh-so-loyal fans and supporters.

"Just lost in thought.. I made you some iced tea." He stated.

"You're worried about me."

He blinked a few times before managing to respond. "Yeah.. it's not normal to go through that and feel okay."

Dream sighed, walking over to pick up his iced tea. "I know that. It can't be helped, though.. what's done is done. I'll be upset about it later when it settles but.. ah, I don't know."

Cross gently pet the top of his head. He understood the type of predicament Dream was in wholeheartedly.

"Come on." He spoke, heading towards the living room.

He sat down on the sofa, Dream following suit with his iced tea in hand.

"Weren't you going to bed?" Dream asked, picking up a cookie off of the plate on the table.

"I was, but I'm not that tired anymore." Cross responded, selecting a movie for them to watch together.

Dream smiled. Cross had never been a good liar, after all.

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