[🎲] Rotten Food (Horror + Cross)

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Summary: Horror is used to taking whatever food he can get his hands on. He also stocks it whenever possible, this is all incredibly basic info. What Cross didn't take into account was that he still ate the food even after it long expired.

Characters: Horror, Cross

Words: 709

Trigger Warnings: Rotting food, mention of vomit

"Hey, Horror, have you seen-"

Cross stopped in his tracks as he stared at Horror, who was sitting on the edge of his bed in the middle of chewing some sort of meat. He couldn't be entirely sure of what it was, but the giant spots of white and green over it wasn't giving him any good vibes.

"What are you.. eating?" Cross asked, slowly walking over to Horror.

Horror swallowed and looked up towards his teammate, smiling. "Pork."

Pork. It didn't look like pork to Cross, not at all.

"It.. it's mouldy, Horror. You shouldn't be eating that.." Cross spoke, reaching down to take it from his teammate.

Horror hissed and backed away slightly, prompting Cross to flinch back. Was Horror seriously going to fight against him for it..?

"Horror, we can get you different food. Better food, I swear." He pleaded.

"Why?" He paused, taking a bite out of the meat. "I already got some."

Cross sat down on Horror's bed, trying to figure out the best way to navigate the situation.

"Yeah, I can see that.. it's just.. that food isn't exactly healthy." He tried to explain.

Horror seemed confused, biting into the meat again.

"We're skeletons, unhealthy food doesn't change a thing about us." He spoke through the sound of chewing.

Cross felt the vomit rise up in his throat as he caught glimpses of the meat inside of Horror's mouth, the saliva encompassing it. He always hated being near people when they ate with regular food, and now with Horror eating.. that..

"I know, it's just.. it's kind of gross." He confessed, lightly digging his fingers into Horror's bed sheets as he successfully avoided throwing up onto him.

"Why? It's just food."

"Gone off food, Horror. I mean, I'd be able to stomach it if-"

"Ha, 'stomach' it!" Horror interrupted, laughing at Cross' unintentional joke.

"As I was saying.. I'd be able to handle it if you were in a situation where it was needed, y'know? But.." he paused, his eyes hopeful as they met Horror's, "you don't have to starve anymore, you don't have to store food and then eat it even though it's gross and mouldy like that."

Horror paused his feast, looking at his teammate with confusion.

"I'm not, I like eatin' it when it's mouldy." He casually spoke, going back to tearing chunks out of it.

Cross was dumbfounded by his words. Horror.. enjoyed eating mouldy food? In what kind of world was that normal?!

"Quite frankly I struggle to believe that."

"You struggle to believe a lotta shit, Cross." Horror agitatedly spat out.

"Well, this isn't exactly normal."

He swallowed the meat that was in his mouth, moving to put the remainder near Cross. He watched as Cross quietly tried to suppress a screech and backed away from it, a grin rising to his face at his teammate's fear.

"It ain't normal to you. You got raised as a preppy little brat who got to join the Royal Guard." He began, slightly regretting his choice of words, "The rest o' us.. we did what we could to live, Cross. That includes eatin' this shit." He finished, pulling the meat back onto his lap.

"I know, I just think-"

Horror growled at his persistence "I like eatin' it and it ain't harmin' me, what's your problem?!" He snapped.

He hated being judged like this. He knew Cross likely didn't mean any harm by it and that he was just concerned, but that didn't make it any less irritating. Nightmare and Killer could understand that he was happy eating things like this, why couldn't Cross?

Cross sighed at his friend's words. He supposed he didn't exactly have a case against what Horror was doing, there really was no harm being done.

"I'm.. sorry, Horror." He apologised, taking a step forward towards him.

Horror glared at him, nodding to accept the apology.

"Should I.. go?" Cross awkwardly asked.

Horror rolled his eye and sighed, patting the space on the bed next to him. "No."

Cross, again, sat down on the bed, looking over the meat. He still couldn't quite understand anything about why Horror would willingly eat such a thing, but if it made his friend happy then who was he to judge?

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