[🫀] Worship (Killer + Nightmare)

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Summary: Nightmare takes Killer out to murder the inhabitants of an AU.

Characters: Killer, Nightmare

Word Count: 1,434

Trigger Warnings: Gross misuse of power, murder, blood, abuse, suggestive content

This is just a quick gorefic so I can focus on other stuff for a bit - please excuse the edginess of it. This could be classed as Killermare I guess, feel free to consider it that if you want to. Heed the warnings above.

He obeyed without another word, eager to please his Boss. The bodies that littered the floor were a sight to behold - each one having their guts splayed out with remarkable precision across Snowdin's stained red ground.

The citizens that remained stared in shock at the two skeletons, one standing completely unharmed with only the slightest amount of blood on his hand. The other skeleton was out of breath, attacks stuck within what was visible of his bones, blood staining his outfit and body as it trickled down onto the other skeleton's hand from his face.

The taller skeleton smirked, looking down on the other. "You're so good for me, aren't you?"

The shorter skeleton only nodded in response, continuing to catch his breath.

Nightmare had been keeping him cooped up purposely, waiting for the perfect moment to let him loose on a particularly high LV AU that he didn't fancy taking out himself. He wanted to test his subordinate, he wanted to see what he could truly do. He wouldn't allow him any freedom with his knife, wouldn't even allow him the opportunity to cut any food up. Anything that he'd need a knife for was done for him for two months, and his plan had worked tremendously because of it.

Killer was no fool, he knew of the plan but went along with it for the sick rush of pleasure that would go through him once the time would finally come to scratch the itch that had been bothering him for those months. Now, feeling the blood on him, drying onto him as a reminder of what he'd done - who he'd become - he felt it was all worth it.

Nightmare surveyed his work once more. Monsters - adult and child - had been slaughtered mercilessly at Killer's hands. He recalled their screams of terror as they watched their kin be sliced open by the knife, the people who tried to run only to slip on the bloodied snow, the sound of bones cracking as Killer jumped around the AU trying to get whoever he could, landing on the downed monsters before going back at it.

Seeing such a ruthless murderer as putty in his hand, it was almost comical.

He turned his attention to the other monsters, who were either cowering or had accepted their fate. Killer had ensured that none of them would be able to escape.


He watched as the monsters ran, trying to get away from Killer who'd darted towards them and sliced open one of the monster's throats. It seemed his bloodlust couldn't be sated by just taking out half of Snowdin - luckily Nightmare had planned for such an event. They'd already killed everyone who resided within the Ruins, and the plan was to steadily make their way through the AU until nobody was left.

He chuckled and followed along the path, revelling in the sounds around him. Screams, the gurgling that came afterwards as they tried to speak through the blood pouring from their mouths, before finally they went silent.

It was just a quick high for the both of them, nothing serious.

Nightmare paused as a guard stepped out in front of him, intestines laying out of his dented armour as he tried to hold his head up. It was clear to Nightmare that this was a failed decapitation attempt, that Killer had gotten messy with his work and hadn't come back to finish the job.

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