[🎲] Glitched Meetings (Ink + Error)

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Summary: Error comes back from a week long vacation at Blue's house to see.. Ink? Well, something that resembles Ink, anyway.

Characters: Error, Ink, Blue

Word Count: 1,217

Prompt: "basically Ink Becoming a Error like, well, Error, Because he stayed in the Antivoid Too long, and the anitvoid corrupts entities into Errors like Error" — TheAkashicRecords
"What? You don't like my new look?

The laugh that followed his words echoed throughout the Anti-Void as Error stared at the.. thing.. in front of him. For a brief moment he thought it was Ink, but spending more than a few seconds looking at him it was clear that he was wrong with that assumption.

The skeleton that sat on the beanbag - his beanbag - was black like him, a bright white paint splotch on the left side of his face. One blue eye socket, one red.. his pupils in different shapes.. he certainly resembled Ink. His outfit was practically the same apart from the weird colouring and how the vials looked.. all glitched out and weird.

Error couldn't even respond to what he'd said, too caught up trying to figure out who this skeleton was, how he managed to get to the Anti-Void and what he wanted.

"Huh? Are you ignoring me, Ruru?" The skeleton whined, pouting as he stood up.

Error tensed at the name he'd been called. There was only one person who'd call him that, and that was-

"Ink?" He questioned, trying to figure out if he was going crazy.

"Oh, so I'm still recognisable then, that's great! Y'know I was kinda scared that people would get all freaked out and maybe start mistaking me for you but if you can still recognise me with your awful eyesight-"

He continued to ramble as Error stood there, still struggling to understand anything that was happening. He'd been out of the Anti-Void for a week, hanging out with Blue and his brother because Blue had insisted he "needed more time outside of the Anti-Void".. how long had this guy been here?

"Who the fuck are you?" He finally asked, taking a few steps back.

Was this thing.. a messed up version of Ink? The real Ink didn't have a Soul, so there was no way for him to be corrupted by the world around him, right? Ink couldn't die, couldn't feel pain, couldn't become corrupted.

"Huh? It's me, Ink! Your friend, well, sorta friend when you're in a good mood, and when you're in a bad mood-"

Error stopped him by throwing him across the Anti-Void with his strings, trying to get him out of his sight. He didn't need Ink's shenanigans after he'd spent a week living among the abominations he hated so much.

He plopped himself down onto his beanbag, placing his hands behind his head as he began to relax. All he wanted was silence, the endless expanse of the Anti-Void, and-

"That was rude!"

Ink peered over at him, now sporting a decently sized hole on the left side of his head. Error cocked his brow at this, when had Ink ever gotten hurt from his strings?

"Can you leave?" He asked, trying not to throw Ink away again.

Ink let out an offended gasp, "Huh? You're not gonna ask what happened to me first?"

"No, I don't care."

Error turned over, trying to avoid the stare of his enemy. It was true, he didn't particularly care about what had happened to him, though a part of him was curious of what would happen to the Multiverse's beloved creator now that his code had been corrupted.

The creator sat down in front of him, staring at him. Each time he blinked, the shapes in his eyes would change; at least that had been kept consistent despite the change. He watched Ink's body glitch out for a few moments near his skull, before the hole he'd made a minute ago healed up completely.

Error groaned and rolled onto his other side, eager to avoid any conversation Ink would make about the situation.

He heard Ink stand up and before long he was right back to looking at the creator again.

"What do you want?!" He whined, sitting up and yanking strings out of his eye sockets.

"Uhh.. sooo.. funny story really.." Ink began, chuckling.

"Spit it out already!"

"I can't.. leave.."

Error stared at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out if he'd misheard his words.

"What do you mean you can't leave?!"

"My brush isn't working! I tried to make a portal and nothing happened, just a bunch of weird broken code appeared instead. So I tried to jump through that but it just led me back here instead.. and my vials are running out." Ink explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Error grinned, seeing an opportunity to get back at Ink for all of the torture he'd put him through all of the years. All the mass creation, the insults, the touching, everything. The Multiverse's creator was trapped, legitimately trapped, and was at his absolute mercy; and we all know that Error never showed mercy.

He stood up, creating a portal and jumping through it before Ink even had the chance to react to his actions, landing back in Blue's house.

"Error? What are you doing back so early?" Blue asked, dropping the plates he was washing in the sink and running over to his friend.

"Oh, I was thinking.. maybe you were right, Blue." Error spoke, the grin still on his face.

Blue gasped, his eyes turning into stars, "I knew you'd come around eventually, Error! Oh, stars, I didn't know it would be this early, though, I always thought-"

Blue went off into an excited rant about Error, about how many friends he could make, about how he'd fit in with everyone else.. Error wasn't particularly paying attention to his friend. His attention was on Ink, about how he'd abandoned him in the Anti-Void and about his new decision to take another week long vacation..
Ink sat there, watching the portal close behind Error. He groaned and fell backwards, evidently not excited over how he had to spend even more time in that Hellscape until Error came back to free him.

He wasn't even entirely sure how it happened.. he'd gone to the Anti-Void in search for Error to give him a painting he'd made, but he wasn't there. So he'd decided to wait, and wait, and wait.. and eventually something happened.

His hand had begun to change colour, then his arms, then the rest of his body. He knew and understood what was going on, but it didn't hurt him. It didn't do much of anything, really. Well.. except it did something to his brush. Halfway through the process he decided to try again with Error later, only for his brush to have completely broken, only letting him make a portal back to the Anti-Void.

He laughed, hearing the garbled mess that was now his voice. He hadn't really realised it before, but the piece of his head which had broken off earlier was still somewhat inside of his skull despite having healed itself. Gently, he shook his head, feeling the piece hitting the sides of it.

He shrugged, not finding it interesting enough to continue looking into it. It wasn't like it could change anything or improve his situation.

He closed his eyes, deciding to try to go to sleep and hoping that Error would come back and take the opportunity to throw him out of the Anti-Void whilst he slept. Although something told him that wasn't going to happen anytime soon..

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