Chapter one

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Alec knocks on the door and waits for someone to open. He can hear a bit of shuffling inside and muffled voices. It takes a bit longer for Jace to open the door than usual, so Alec instantly gets a feeling that something is up.

"Welcome, big brother." Jace pulls Alec in for a one-armed hug. "Come on in." He steps out of the way and holds the door open for Alec. Again, something that feels a bit of from how he usual is.

"Thank you..." Alec draws out the word with a mildly questioning expression. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes of course it is." His voice gets a bit higher than usual. A true telltale sign of Jaces, that indicates he is lying. Alec rolls his eyes.

"So, something is wrong." He says matter-as-factly. "What is it this time? Did you use the company credit card for something unseemly again?"

"NO!" Jace responds quickly. "And shush!" He glances nervously towards the kitchen where his wife is making dinner. "I was 15 and immature..." he whispers aggressively, "It was stupid and embarrassing, and Clary never has to know!"

"Alright." Alec raises his hands with a sly grin on his face. "Your funeral when she finds out you keep secrets from her."

"I was 15!" He whisper-shouts at Alec.

"Fine..." Alec sighs, "then what is wrong? What have you done this time that I have to clean up for you?"

"Nothing!" Jace instantly gets defensive. "And you don't clean up messes for me that often."

"Yes, he does." Izzy chimes in as she walks pass them from the kitchen towards the dinner table with a salad bowl in her hands.

Alec gestures towards Izzy with raised eyebrows that clearly says: see, I'm right.

"I haven't done anything!" Jace practically yells. "This time..." He ads after a brief pause and in a much lower voice.

"It isn't about you today, Jace." Clary says as she brings put a plate of mouthwatering steaks. Alec follows the plate with his eyes. He does love a good piece of meat. "It's about you." Clary says and looks directly at Alec.

"Me?" he asks tearing his eyes from the plate in her hands. "What have I done?"

"Nothing. It isn't like that. We just need to talk to you." Izzy responds. "Please, have a seat."

Something is very wrong. Alec can sense the instant tension. This is something worse than misusing the company credit card. Slowly he pulls out a chair and sits down.

"Alec..." Jace sits down opposite Alec. "There is something we need to talk to you about. Regarding... um..." Jace shoots glances at Izzy, desperately begging for help. Alec can read his siblings like an open book, and it's clear that Jace is way out of his comfort zone.

"What is it?!" Alec nearly shouts. They are making him very nervous. "Just say it already!"

"It's about your chosen lifestyle..." Izzy says as she reaches out to take his hand.

"My lifestyle? What do you mean my lifestyle?" Alec pulls her hand away from Izzy's attempt of holding it. "What are you getting at?" Alecs blood is pumping vastly through his veins. He knows exactly what they are talking about. Something they agreed to never talk about again. They promised it would be buried between them. Gone forever!

"Alec, please..." Jace beg but Alec rises from the chair and backs away from them.

"You better not be talking about what I think you are."

"We are only trying to help..." Izzy says, with tears in her eyes.

"Helping would be to never bring it up again. You promised! That side of me died a long time ago! I am no longer gay and never will be again. Even though I won't ever be straight either."

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