Chapter twenty-nine

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"Congratulations!" Magnus reacts long before Alec has even got his brain to function, hugging Clary and Jace. Alec is stunned. Completely unable to move. Jace is right, it's too risky to go after Robert now, when there is a child mixed into it all. What if Robert decides that the best way to get his children to behave the way he wants them to, is to threaten the baby? And then another thought hits him. He is going to be an uncle. Jace is going to be a father! This is the thought that should probably have been his first, and the fact that it wasn't, just makes it so much clearer how fucked up his life is.

"Pregnant..." Alec repeats, still very shocked.

"He is worse than me." Jace whispers with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "it's almost as if you told him that the child is his."

"don't be silly." Alec interjects, when he is finally able to comprehend the situation. "I was just surprised." He pulls both Clary and Jace into his embrace. "Congratulations. This is amazing!"

"Thank you." Jace hugs his brother back "but now you know why I can't help you with this..."

"Of course. Don't even think about it anymore, Jace. I don't want you to be involved in any of it." Alec grabs Jace's shoulder and holds him out at arm's length, looking directly into his eyes. "You are going to be a father, Jace. That is the only thing you have to focus on now." Alec turns towards Clary, "and you," he cups her face and kiss the top of her head, "you are going to stay far, far away from anything that has to do with Robert. You only job now is to keep my nephew or niece safe."

"Jeez Alec. It's a pregnancy, not a death sentence."

"In my father's eyes, it is a possibility to control you. to control Jace. So just be careful, okay?"

"Don't scare her." Magnus slaps Alec's arm. "Don't worry, biscuit, he is just being dramatic."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare you, I really don't. But Robert is mentally unstable, and now that he knows he is starting to loose control over me, then who knows what he will do to maintain control over Jace and Izzy."

"Don't worry, Alec I will keep Clary and our baby Away from dad." Jace says as he holds clary tight, "I don't even think we should tell him. Not as long as we can hide it."

"And hopefully by then, I will have fixed this." Magnus clears his throat loudly and Alec corrects himself, "I mean I'll have this fixed with Magnus' help, of course. And we will keep you far away from it. I promise."

"Thank you." Jace pulls Alec in for a hug. "I hope you know that I would have been by your side in a second if it wasn't a risk for Clary."

"I know, brother. I know."


"I don't get why you have to be the one to quit. Why can't he quit? He is the one that's being a dick about this." Raphael whispers to Magnus when they are in the breakroom, having lunch and Alec walks in, but they are not whispering low enough, because Alec hears every word.

"It is his dad's company, Raphael. He is not going to quit. And I just have to get away from him, okay? So just be supportive and not judgmental."

"I am being supportive. I'm supportively labelling him as a dick."

Magnus rolls his eyes at Raphael and then focusses on eating his lunch.

It's been a few days since Magnus gave his 2 weeks' notice, and Raphael – who was the only one who knew they were a thing – thinks it is because Alec has climbed back into the closest, hurting Magnus in the process. And he hates him for it. The rest of the firm doesn't really seem to have noticed anything at all. Not even when Alec treats Magnus like crap – which he truly hates, by the way – and it is just confirming the fact that Alec is probably seen as the guy that doesn't treat the employes all that well. Just as Raphael once hinted at.

Alec hates knowing how much he had been like his father for so many years. And that everyone simply just expects him to be the same power tripping douchebag as his father. Even worse is it now that he has to pretend to be that guy again after working so hard to shed that part of him.

Quickly, he refills his coffee cup then heads straight back to his office. He has never really eaten his lunch in the breakroom before, so he is definitely not starting now. No matter how much he wants to be close to Magnus.

Ever since Magnus gave his notice, Robert has been watching Alec like a hawk. Clearly, he knows it's connected, and Alec can only pray that he doesn't figure out the real reason. But just in case, Magnus and Alec haven't seen each other outside of work since. The exchange texts – Alec bought a second cellphone for just that purpose. Better safe than sorry – and sometimes they even call each other when the longing gets to be too much.

"Alec." Standing in the doorway to his office, Robert gesture for Alec to come over. With a thousand terrible thoughts and fears racing in his mind Alec quickly joins his father in the office. "Take a seat." Robert walks around the desk to sit in his chair and Alec takes the chair in front of him.

"Is something wrong?" Alec keeps his voice under control the best he can.

"I just wanted to make sure you are alright. Theres seems to be some... conflict between you and my assistant."

"Oh." Alec's hearts begin to beat so fast Alec is afraid it is loud enough for Robert to hear. He needs to come up with a lie that is good enough to make Robert believe it. But it also has to be something that can explain Alec's behavior. So actually, it just has to be close enough to the truth to make it believable. "Yes... we are... I thought I was doing a better job at hiding it." Alec admits.

"Clearly not." Robert leans closer. The hatred in his eyes is so clear, that Alec can barely speak. He feels a strong pull to just climb back into the closet for real. Robert has always had that power over Alec. And it is still almost impossible to resist. The hatred Robert has for Alec, infected him for years. Made Alec hate himself just as much. And he can feel the same self-hatred trying to weasel its way back into his soul. "Tell me what this is about. Now." Alec flinches slightly when Roberts raises his voice.

"Yes sir." He swallows thickly and then looks down. He makes himself look as guilty and shameful as possible, which isn't difficult for him because those are the only emotions he possessed for years. "I am so sorry, sir, but you were right. I was getting curious about that side of me... and I almost gave in too... at the trip. I was tempted, Dad." He looks up with tears in his eyes. "I was tempted simply by him being near me, and I... I had thoughts... but I promise they are gone now!" Alec practically shrieks. The fear in his eyes and mind is real enough. "I didn't know how bad it had gotten until you pointed it out. And I'm so ashamed..."

His father nods. Clearly, he has been aware of Alec's attraction to Magnus. Much more than Alec thought he was. Alec has to walk a thin line with this story. It has to be so close to the truth that it can explain everything his father might have seen or heard.

"Did you have anything to do with his resignation." Robert asks and Alec nods.

"Yes." Alec admits. "I... I couldn't have him working here while I'm getting control over my sexuality again. So, I threatened him..."

"With what?"

"With..." Alec hates himself for this lie, but it is the only one his father will believe and the only one that will regain Roberts trust in him. "With violence..." carefully, Alec looks up at his father, "I said that if he did quit I would beat him up so bad that he would never be able to walk again..."

"Hmm." His father leans back, and Alec has no idea if he is buying the story. But one thing is sure. This whole conversation has left him with a foul taste in his mouth and a bottomless pit in his gut.

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