Chapter twentysix

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#warning #homophobicslur

"Are you okay? You seemed... distracted." Magnus asks almost casually when he and Alec run into each other in the kitchen – both getting coffee.

"You know damn well I'm not okay." Alec says through gritted teeth. "I've been trying to not pop a fucking boner ever since that little game of yours, Magnus."

"Oh." Magnus smirks "I'm so sorry." His eyes run down Alecs body, which clearly doesn't help Alec at all.

"Don't do that!" He hisses and pushes Magnus up against the door. Thankfully no one else is in the kitchen. Not that Alec had remembered to check it beforehand. "You are making me so fucking horny."

"That's kind of the point, pretty boy." Magnus pushes his thigh in between Alec's making him moan just a little too loud before he is able to stop himself by biting down on his bottom lip. "Yeah, definitely a boner ready to happen..."

"Fuck you." Alec mutters with fluttering eyelids as Magnus moves his thigh slightly.

"Do you want me to do something about it?" Magnus' fingers play suggestively with the zipper of Alec's pants.

"" Alec tries to regain control, but he knows it's a losing battle. He is completely at Magnus' mercy.

"Are you sure...? I think I could get you off in..." Magnus grabs Alec's dick through his pants trying to estimate the timeframe and making him whimper from lust in the process. "... in less than 5 minutes." Alec wants him to do it. There is nothing he wants more right now, but they both hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching.

"Fuck..." Alec mumbles and Magnus quickly shoves Alec over to the coffee maker, spinning him around so he can hide his very obvious hard dick against the cabinets under the kitchen counter just in time for Raphael to walk in.

"Oh please." He hardly looks at any of them. "I know you guys are fucking. Who cares. Just give me the damn coffee." With a blush visible from the Jupiter, Alec tops of Raphael's coffee cup that he holds out. "Thanks." He says dryly before sending Magnus a judgmental look of you-can-do-better and then leaves.

"Oh shit!" Alec runs his hand through his hair with a desperate look in his eyes. "We are so fucked!"

"By Raphael?" Magnus takes the coffee and fills his cup. "I doubt that" he takes a sip, "he's asexual."

"Magnus, Goddamnit! It's not funny!" Alec almost shouts but remembers to lower his voice in the last second. "What if he tells my father?"

"It's a little funny. And he won't." Mangus shrugs. "We've been friends for years. Trust me, he does not care who I bang."

"But he hates me." Alec states.

"So? He hates everyone. Except for me." Magnus kisses Alec's cheek. "Trust me. We're safe."

"Are you absolutely sure? Like 110 percent."

"Yes of course. But if you want, I can go and make a vaguely threat at him. Or perhaps a not so vaguely threat, if you prefer."

"No. God, no. Don't do that. No... if you trust that he cares for you enough to cancel out the hate he has for me, then don't do anything that can change his mind."

Magnus shrugs and sips his coffee.

"Okay. If you say so. Just remember I can do it if you want me to."

"Please don't. no threats. Vaguely or otherwise." Alec sighs with relief as Magnus promises to not threaten Raphael. "But how did he even know?" Alec ponders.

"Raphael always knows. He is very perceptive." Magnus brushes the back of his index finger down Alec's cheek, "besides, he knows how madly in love I've been with you for years."

Alec can't hide his smile as he leans into Magnus' touch.

"I love you too." he whispers then kisses Magnus - pouring all of the love that it has taking him so long to admit - into it.

The door opens, causing Magnus and Alec to jump away from each other like startled cats.

"Just me." Raphaels stick his head into the kitchen. "Lightwood senior is looking for junior." Then he disappears just as quickly.

"Fuck... we need to be more careful." Alec states and Magnus laughs.

"This time it was your doing, darling. Not me."

"Oh, shut up." Alec mutters and hurries out the door, leaving the grinning Magnus behind.


Why does everything have to be so damn fucking hard? Alec feels like he is going insane, trying to comprehend the conversation he had with his father earlier. It had been literally insane. Like something plucked right out of a damn telenovela.

He had been called into his father's office to talk about the companies and which one there had been chosen. Or so Alec thought.

Instead, his father had called him every homophobic slur in the dictionary.

"You think I wouldn't notice?" Robert yells at Alec while slamming Alec's reports onto the table. "Jesus Christ, Alec! I thought you had gotten rid of that damn faggot inside you years ago!" Robert's face is bright red, and steam is almost coming out of his ears. "Now you are gushing over some pro homo company in a professional rapport! Damn it!" Alec doesn't even know how to respond. Or what the hell that is actually happening. "Are you really that stupid? I put this damn company in the mix just to see of you actually had gotten rid of that fruity side of you." Robert sighs deeply. "I have never been more disappointed in you than I am now. I expected better from you!"


"What? Are you going to try and deny it? Save it! I have every proof I need right here. And I can damn well promise you, we are NOT working with a faggot company!" Robert steps threateningly closer to Alec, whispering in his ear. "And if I ever catch you fucking around with some boy, I will make sure he will never see the light of day ever again. Do you hear me? And you know I have the means to do it, so don't test me!" Robert pushes the folder with the reports into Alecs chest. "You WILL stop that gay shit right now. Be a fucking man and find a wife to screw instead. Then we can talk about your future as the CEO in this company."

Alec hasn't been able to move or snap out of it since leaving his father's office. Everything has been like a dream since then. No – Like a fucking nightmare.

"Alexander?" Magnus' is standing in the doorway to Alec's office and Alec quickly looks at the clock. 9:30. He forgot about dinner.


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