Chapter seventeen

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#smut #Blowjob

"That was," Magnus pants, "quite something..." His lips only a few inches from Alec's.

"Good something or bad something?" Alec hates how he can hear the insecurity in his own voice.

"Definitely good. Very good." Magnus leans in, letting his lips grace gently over Alec's. "I won't mind doing it again."

Alec swallows thickly. "I won't mind either." His eyes are locked on Magnus' lips, wanting so bad to kiss him but his mind is racing with all the consequences something like this will have. Serious consequences that can affect his entire life. "But I don't think it's a good idea."

"Oh..." Magnus breathes out the word that is drenched in disappointment and surprise and Alec hates himself for causing it.

"I'm sorry... I should never have..." he runs his fingers through his hair causing it to stand up in a chaotic mess. "I just couldn't resist anymore. I want it so badly..." his voice drops at the last sentence. The words originally only intended for himself.

"Then why not? If you want it and I crave it, why not just indulge in each other?" Magnus asks eagerly. "No one has to know."

No one has to know.

It's the second time Magnus has spoken those words to him and last time he took it the wrong way. This time he knows exactly what Magnus means.

"And you'd be okay with that? Being a secret? And for a limited time? You know everything will go back to normal when the trip is over, right?"

"It's not ideal," Magnus admits, "but if its all you can give me, then I'll happily take it."

Alecs' breath is caught in his chest. Something tells him that Magnus might be harboring real feelings for Alec. And if that is true. Then they really shouldn't go down this path. It will not be fair to Magnus. But he can't bring himself to walk away. He is being selfish, and he hates himself for it.

Alec puts one hand on the doorframe, leaning closer to Magnus while tilting his head with a finger under his chin. Slowly he bends down, putting his lips on Magnus'. The kiss is hungry. Greedy. Alec needs more. more of Magnus. More of the way Magnus makes him feel. With his body, Alec pushes Magnus flush against the wall, sliding his right thigh in between Magnus' legs. As he grinds it against him, Magnus' eyes widen, flutters and then closes while moaning loudly. He grabs Alec's hips and holds him against him like he is afraid Alec while change his mind and back away. And Alec wishes he would. It would be for the best. For Magnus' sake. But he can't. The lust in him has too great a hold. Exactly as he has always feared, but now when he has given in, there is no turning back.

He slides his hand down Magnus side, resting it briefly on Magnus' hip before grabbing his thigh and lifting it up so he can grind his own erection against Magnus'.

"Oh fuck!" is all Alec hears from Magnus' lips before he devours them once more. Magnus' hands reach in and swiftly undoes Alec's pants. Alec pulls away briefly so Magnus can push them down, then undo his own and with a little wiggle, letting them drop to the floor.

The heat from Magnus' body is tantalizing as they now grind against each other with very little fabric between them.

He should be stopping this now. Before it's to late. Then Magnus puts his hands on Alec's ass and pulls him even closer, and Alec forgets everything about stopping. He even forgets his own name. There is nothing but Magnus and the sensation of his body.

"I want you." Alec says between kisses. "Now."

He can tell Magnus has stopped breathing, but he isn't backing down nor hesitating, instead he drops to his knees. He hooks his fingers into Magnus waistband, looking up at him. Waiting for permission.

Magnus' breath is shallow and quick, and Alec is having a hard time deciphering if Magnus wants it or not. With an intense eye contact, Alec presses his lips to the skin on Magnus' exposed hip. Magnus inhales sharply with a "motherfucker..." leaving his lips.

"If you want me to stop, now is the time." Alec says.

"Never..." Magnus mutters and runs his fingers through Alec's hair. "I will never ask you to stop. So please, do continue."

With a smirk on his face, Alec removes the briefs and exposes Magnus to him. Alec has never thought he should get to experience something like this. Hell, he has never seen one besides his own. And Magnus' is perfect. Alec licks his lips in anticipation. He has no idea if he can do this, but he wants too. And he will learn. He knows he will. As his lips touches Magnus skin, a serious of curse words escape Magnus while he digs his fingers deep into Alec's thick hair. Tugging and pulling to the rhythm of Alecs bobbing head. He isn't forcing anything, just following Alec.

"You are going to kill me, lightwood." Magnus pants while arching his back off the wall. Alec can feel the muscles in Magnus' body tense up and he loves it. Everything about this whole situation. The cursing, the pulling, the way he unravels right there by Alec's mouth. A perverted pride swelling in his chest.

Magnus pulls Alec up and devours his lips hungrily. Like he has been starving ever since Alec has stopped kissing him. The feelings Magnus has for Alec is fully showing in the way he kisses him. Caresses him. The tenderness in his hands. And it almost breaks Alec completely.

"This was a bad idea, wasn't it?" Alec whispers.

"No..." he kisses him once more. "I will rather have you for a few days and suffer from heartbreak for years, than never have you at all."

"That doesn't make me feel better." Alec mumbles as he nuzzles his head into the crook of Manus' neck. "I don't want to be the reason for your suffering."

"I'm sorry, but no matter how things turn out, you will be. As you have been for years. And its not your fault. You don't get to choose who falls in love with you." Magnus makes Alec look him in the eyes. "You shouldn't blame yourself for anything. I want this. However brief it is." He places a gentle kiss on Alec's lips "It is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all." Magnus quotes.

"Alfred Lord Tennyson" Alec says and Magnus nods. Alec however, isn't sure he agrees with the statement, but he knows he must accept the Magnus does.

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