Chapter fourteen

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The most annoying sound in the world breaks the connection between the two men. Magnus shakes his head slightly before grabbing the ringing cellphone from the nightstand.

"Hello?" his eyes still naturally fall on Alec as he speaks with whomever on the phone. "That is alright sir." His gaze slowly lowers until it rests firmly on Alecs lower body and Magnus' lips part slightly. "Could you repeat that, please." He says and his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Alec is painfully aware of the fact he is still hard as rock and have no way of hiding it. His body won't even attempt it. He just stays where he is and lets Magnus eyefuck him for the entire conversation. Alec blushes as he sees Magnus breathing speeding up. His eyes still hasn't left Alecs groin. "Yes sir. Thank you, sir. I will let him know." Magnus hangs up and for the first time in a while he looks up at Alec's face. "It was the CEO of the company we were going to see today." His voice is raw and strained. "Something has come up, and they can't see us today. They asked us to stay another day – on their account – and see the sights..." Magnus' eyes darts down for a second and he licks his lips, "or something."

"Oh... alright." Alec clears his throat to remove he raggedness in it. "how about we meet up in the lobby in about 30 minutes?"

"Really? You want to go sightseeing?"

"Why not?"

"You don't seem like the type. I thought you were all work and no play..." Magnus eyes darts involuntarily once more.

"I play..." Alecs eyes widens is terror as he realizes his own words, "NO! I mean... Fuck!"

"Don't mind if I do..." Magnus mumbles.

"No, no, no. it was an accident.... A..."

"Freudian slip?" Magnus steps closer. Much closer.

"Yes. Wait! No." Alec lets out a shaky breath. "I can't fucking think straight."

"Well, you are not exactly..."

"Don't say it!" Alec interrupts.

Magnus lift his hands in surrender, but still moves closer. Their bodies almost touching. Alec can feel his hear race and his mind is conflicted. He is scares shitless, but also very curious and turned on. If he doesn't back down, how far will Magnus then go? Will he kiss him? Touch him? Put his lips on him? Will he slide to his knees, pull Alec's pants down and take his dick in his mouth? Alec moans by the thought as his eyes shutter.

No! stop it! retreat, goddamnit! RETREAT!

"See you in 30." Alec says rapidly and bolts out the door.

That was fucking close!"


"So, where do you want to go?" Magnus asks Alec as they stroll down the street.

"I don't know, actually. I have never really been sightseeing. Never taken the time before. I've always had my eyes on the goal. Becoming CEO." Alec laughs "I've actually never really seen New York before. Only the hotels and fancy restaurants."

"We have to change that." Magnus says and grabs Alec hand. "Follow me." He drags him all the way to Central Park. Magnus' favorite spot.

"A park?"

"Yes, but not any park. It's central park. Come on, it's the most New York place there is. Look how beautiful it is."

Alec scrunches his nose.

"I don't know..."

"Give it a chance, alright? For me..."

"Fine... show me what you think is so amazing about this place."

A beaming smile lights up in Magnus' face. Once more he takes Alecs hand, but this time he isn't dragging him along. No, they are just walking hand in hand, in central park. Looking around at the beauty. Talking about everything and nothing. And Alec likes it. He isn't sure if it's the park or Magnus' hand in his, but he likes it.

"Magnus..." Alec notices a group of sinister looking men coming their way. He pulls his hand away from Magnus'.

"What's wrong?" He asks and Alec nods towards the men. "Oh that? Its nothing. It's New York. They wont even notice us. Gently, Magnus takes Alecs hand again. "Trust me." He whispers and Alecs heart beats fast as Magnus' fingers intertwines with his. He doesn't know what's happening. When did they evolve from coworkers – to friends – to hand holders – to... whatever these interlocked fingers mean. Alec's mind is spiraling from the What-are-we-question long enough for the men to pass them by without him noticing it. "See I told you. They wont bother us. Hell, some of them are probably a couple. If not all of them."

"All of them?"

"Yes. Poly."

"A parrot?" Alec's confused look makes Magnus laugh out loud.

"No, darling. Polyamorous. More people dating each other. Not just two."

"Oh... is that a thing?"

"yes, it is." Magnus tilts his head and smiles at Alec. "You didn't even complain about me calling you darling."

"I don't see the point. You probably won't stop anyway."

"That is true. But what's even more true is the fact that I think you like it." Magnus winks. Alec shakes his head with a smile on his lips but doesn't deny it. "You are evolving."

"Maybe I might even get the emotional capability of a hand towel instead?" Alec grins.

"I like that idea." Magnus winks. "Then I can wrap you around my..."

"Stop!" Alec pleads. "Don't finish that thought." Sighing, Alec pinches the brink of his nose, "why is it that every time I try to tease you. Get on your nerves, you can twist it around."

"I'm skilled." He pulls Alec closer and gently slides his index finger over Alecs bottom lip until he blushes and holds his breath. "And you are easy." He pulls away again and let Alec catch his breath as he innocently looks at the trees as if he didn't just shatter Alecs entire hold over himself.

Alec's blood pumps through his veins. Moving way too much south in Alecs opinion.

Stupid fucking Magnus Bane.

It takes everything Alec has to prevent himself from getting a boner.

I miss the time where I never got aroused!

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