Chapter Thirty-six

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Notes: This is the last chapter of Hiding. It's been such a journey.

Thank you to everyone who followed the story all the way through. You are much appreciated.

If you want to read more of Malec, I have a few other fics both on AO3 and Wattpad (a few more on Wattpad than AO3)

I am, however, going to be focusing on RWRB for a while, so there won't be any new Malec fics from me in the near future. If you like RWRB, I hope you will check out "The Sinful collection Of Firstprince Oneshots" and "I Never Knew You Were The Someone Waiting For Me".

I hope you enjoy this last chapter 🥰

- Love, Ayana

Disclaimer: I have no personal knowledge of how a real trial plays out, only what I have learned from watching crime shows, so I might have gotten a few things wrong. Feel free to ignore those parts. 😊

Alec glances back towards Magnus who is starting to look a little pale, but he still sends Alec a little encouraging smile.

"The defense would like to call their next witness. Maryse Lightwood." Alec instantly looks to the doors as Maryse walks in. That is why she wasn't in the courtroom. He didn't know she was testifying. Or maybe he did? He has been having trouble keeping his focus on Simon when he talks strategy because his heart starts to raise, and he gets dizzy. All the signals of an impending panic attack, so he stops listening. Probably not the best idea.

"Ms. Lightwood, do you believe your son is guilty of committing these murders?"

"Absolutely not. Alec has never been violent at all. Despite his father's best attempts to provoke him."

"His father?" Simon asks and Alec can tell that Maryse hadn't told Simon she would mention his father. "What did his father do?"

"Objection!" The prosecuting lawyer says. "Robert Lightwood isn't on trial here."

"It goes to prove the defendants lack of violence to his character." Simon explains.

"I'll allow it." The judge says. "The witness may answer."

"His father has always been rough with the kids. Especially the boys. He would tell them to man up. Stop being a..." Maryse looks over at the judge, "I'm not sure I'm comfortable using the word he used..."

"You can say it." The judge says. "I promise, we have all probably heard worse."

Maryse nods. "He told them to stop being a... a pussy." Her cheeks turn slightly red. "And Alec got the worst of it."

"And why is that?"

"Objection! Speculation."

"She is his mother. She knows him best. She has seen these episodes. It is not speculation if she has witnessed it." Once again, Simon makes his argument clear.

"I'll allow it, but only so far, Mr. Lewis. Don't push it."

"Thank you, your honor." Simon turns to Maryse again. "Why did Alec get the worst of his father's toxic behavior?"

"Because of his sexuality." Tears starts streaming down her face. "Alec is gay. He has always been gay. But because of his father he has repressed that side of him... and I'm sorry, son. I should have protected you sooner... I'm so so sorry, Alec." Maryse cries on the stand and Alec's heart breaks for his mother. He has never really blamed her. Just as he hasn't really blamed his siblings. They were all living under the tyranny of his father. "If anyone could have killed those men, it is his father!" She suddenly shouts. "Robert and his foul friend Valentine Morgenstern! They always got drunk and talked about hunting homosexuals. I wouldn't put it past them to actually have done it!"

The entire courtroom gasps in unison, then starts talking and Alec looks behind him. His father's face is burning red.

"ORDER!" The judge shouts "I will not allow chaos in my courtroom!" And then all hell breaks loose. Robert jumps up and rushes towards the stand. Towards Maryse while screaming at her.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, BITCH! YOU'RE DEAD, YOU HEAR ME? DEAD!" Thankfully the bailor grabs him before he reaches her and drags him out of the courtroom. Still screaming at the top of his lungs.

Alecs heart is racing and while the judge continues to get the courtroom to be quiet again, he allows himself to let a few tears fall down his cheeks. The truth is out. Everyone knows. Even if Alec gets convicted for murders he didn't do, Simon can argue reasonable doubt and get an investigation going on Robert. And thereby maybe even clearing Alec's name.

But maybe it doesn't even have to go that far. When the last witness has testified, and the closing statements has been given, the jury goes to vote.

"Just relax, Alex. I think the jury is going to vote in our favor. Especially after your mother's statement and your father's violent outburst." Simon smiles at Alec and Magnus. "I have a good feeling about this."

"Let's hope you are right." Alec's voice is shaking slightly, and Magnus squeezes his hand encouragingly.

"He is right. It is obvious you are innocent. Look at you. you are handsome and charming and..."

"So was Bundy." Alec states dryly, cutting Magnus off.

"Well... yes... but he was a psychopath."

Just as Magnus is about to respond, Simon interrupts. "The Jury is back."

"Already? Is that a good or a ad sign?"

"A good sign." Simon says quickly but Alec notices the insecurity in his eyes. Slowly, with a racing heart, Alec follows Simon into the courtroom. Once everyone – except for Alec and Simon - are seated the judge speaks.

"Has the jury come to a verdict?"

"Yes, your honor."

"And what say you?"

The jury member looks over at Alec. "We find the defendant... Not guilty."


"How is you mother doing?" Simon asks two weeks later when he, Alec, Magnus and Jordan are celebrating that Alec has been cleared of all charges.

"A lot better, thank you. She is still feeling very guilty, but I think she knows I don't blame her." Alec responds.

That's good. She did do the right thing in the end. And she will testify again at Robert's trial."

"Yes, she will. And so will I. Even Jace is talking about testifying." Alec says and sips his beer. "The world will be a better place with him locked away."

"I'll drink to that." Magnus says with a smile.

"What about you two?" Jordan nods to Magnus and Alec. "What is next for you?"

"Well, now that Robert is gone, I've been asked to be the CEO..."

"Wow. Incredible. Congratulations." Jordan exclaims.

"Thanks. But I turned it down. I don't want anything to do with his legacy. No, I'm starting my own firm in New York. I will be working closely with the firm Magnus works for."

"Why not work together?" Simon asks and Alec blushes slightly.

"We don't have the best track record." Magnus says. "Not much work would get done."

"Okay!" Simon put his hands up. "No need to elaborate."

Jordan starts to laugh and pulls his boyfriend in for a kiss.

"Come on babe, we would do the exact same if we worked together."

With a blush, Simon nods. "That might be true."

At the same time, Jace and Clary walks in, greeting the others with hugs and smiles and for the first time in a long time, Alec lets himself feel content without any shred of fear. He watches the people he has come to see as family while they talk and laugh, and he instantly knows he lucky he is that Magnus came into his life. At that exact moment, Alec knows that the next big thing to happen in his life is to find a jewelry store where he can purchase the most extravagant diamond ring to go along with his boyfriends perfect personally and take the leap to make him his fiance instead.

And that thought alone is enough to make Alec happy forever.

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