Chapter eleven

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"I..." Alec swallows thickly, "It's not a date..." He says. "I think I might just have gotten carried away."

"Oh..." Magnus leans back in his chair, "Okay. I'm sorry. I drew the wrong conclusion."

For what seems like forever, they just sit there, casually sipping their drinks and looking around at their surroundings while waiting for the appetizers.

"It's a really nice thing you have done for me." Magnus breaks the silence. "I appreciate it."

"Good... I want you to enjoy yourself..." The awkwardness is killing Alec. Why he thought he could survive a dinner like this is a mystery to him.

"I am." He empties his glass. "I really am."

Awkward silence reemerges. 

Alec casts a few glances at Magnus when he isn't looking. Sometimes he wishes that he wasn't so socially awkward. Will it be that bad if he says yes to it being a date? Magnus clearly isn't against it. And it is just a date. Not a commitment for the rest of their lives. What harm can it possibly do?

"Magnus, I want..."

"Here are your appetizers. Please let us know it you need anything else." The waiter interrupts.

"Thank you. Wow, that looks really delicious. You might have a hidden talent of ordering food, Alec."

"You think so? Maybe you should try it first."

Laughing, Magnus tastes the food in front of them. His eyes closes lightly, and a soft mmm-sound lets Alec know exactly how much he is liking the food. Alec catches himself being mesmerized by the way Magnus licks his lips, the noises he makes and even how he chews every bite so carefully, like he is trying to get every last piece of flavor out of it; and it is doing things to Alec. Unexpected things. Inappropriate things.

"It is amazing, Alec. How did you know I would love this?"

"Just a guess. Try it with the wine. It brings out the flavor even more." Alec pours a glass and hands it to him.

"You are not trying to get me drunk, sir, are you?" Magnus winks and takes a sip. "Oh god, that's amazing. It's an explosion of flavor." Magnus gushes and drinks a bit more before taking another bite. Alec bites his bottom lip as he watches Magnus ravish in the meal in front of them. His entire body is reacting in a way he never really thought possible. And definitely not from seeing someone eating.

But its not that he is eating, now is it? no, it is the noises he makes, the attention to his mouth and that tongue...

When the waiter suddenly appears to ask how they find the food, Alec quickly adjusts himself in the seat. Concealing the evidence of his bodies betrayal. And when Magnus continues to compliment the food to the waiter, Alec takes some time to get control of himself again.

"And for you sir?" The waiter looks at Alec.

"For me, what?"

"What would you like to have for your main course?"


"I ordered the steak with butter roasted potatoes, grilled tomatoes and a garden salad." Magnus tells Alec while showing him the menu that the waiter has put down in front of Alec without him noticing.

"Oh... well, that sounds great. I'll have the same. I do love a steak."

As the waiter leaves, Magnus leans closer across the table.

"Are you alright? You seem... off."

"Yes. I'm sorry. I must have zoned out."

"If you are sure that's all that it is..."

It's not! It's that sinful mouth and devilish tongue!

"It is. And I apologize. I am present now."

"Then lets toast." Magnus raises his glass. "To enjoying the small pleasures in life."

Alec nearly chokes on his own tongue and starts coughing. Magnus is rapidly by his side, patting his back.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

Alec nods between coughing fits and gestures for Magnus to take his seat again.

"I'm fine." He says and gulps down an entire glass of white wine.


An elevator ride has never felt this long before. Not even the day he was late to work. That was nothing compared to this. The dinner has been amazing, and Alec has truly enjoyed himself in Magnus' company. A bit too much as he has come to realize when they entered the elevator. Every single one of his senses is hyper focused and solemnly tuned in on Magnus.

The sound of his breath just before Alec makes him laugh.

The smell of his skin - his natural scent mixed with a dash of cologne. A mixture that creates inappropriate thoughts in Alec's mind.

The sight of the fine lines at the corners of his eyes when he looks up and smiles at Alec.

The fleeting touch of his soft skin against Alec's fingertips when they both reached for the button at the same time and accidentally touched.

The taste of the wine they shared. A wine that Alec knows he would be able to taste on Magnus' lips, if he dared asking for the kiss his body aches for.

Everything is heightened.

"Are you coming?" Magnus holds the elevator doors open when they begin to close again. Alec realizes he has once more been caught up in his own mind.

"Yes of course." Alec steps out and his keycard but instead of opening his own door he follows Magnus to his. Not knowing what his own intentions are.

"I had a really great time tonight, Magnus."

"Me too."

A silence lingers and so does Alec.

"I'm not ready for the night to be over yet..." Alec whispers.

"Not tired, huh?"

"Not the slightest." Alec leans casually against Magnus' door.

"If you want too, we can finish the movie like we talked about."

"Oh." Alec straightens up. "Right... good idea."

Magnus smiles and unlocks the door with his card. Alec sighs heavily while resisting the urge to slam his head against the doorframe before following Magnus inside.

Why am I so fucking bad at this?!

Magnus tosses his card onto a tiny table right inside the door and instantly turns on the TV and pulls up the movie.

"Do you mind if I remove my makeup before we begin?"

"Not at all."

Alec stares at the stupid Image on the TV as Magnus walks to the bathroom. Stupid, happy, fictional men! The more he glares at them the more he keeps comparing himself to Henry and Magnus to Alec.

"Why do you think Henry is the way he is?" Alec looks at Magnus in the mirror.

"Because he is trying to protect his own heart from something he has always known he can't have. He has the weight of hundreds of years of traditions for the British royalty weighing down on his shoulders. He feels responsible for maintaining a specific public exterior while also being afraid of disappointing not only his family, but his country."

"so, you don't blame him for running away from Alex?"

"Not at all. Henry doesn't live under the same circumstances as Alex. He isn't able to come out and live the way he wants. He doesn't have the support from his family. Maybe not even his country. Alex however has been raised differently."

"You seem to have put a lot of thought into this..." Alec mumbles.

"I have," Magnus turns around to face Alec, "because he reminds me of someone I care about."

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