Chapter sixteen

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"Did you seriously just drop all of you clothes in front of me? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"What?" Alec peaks his head out and sees Magnus' eyes on him in the mirror. "Oh, sorry. Didn't think about that."

"Right. I'll pretend to believe you." Magnus continues to remove his makeup, "Although I think you did it because you wanted to show off that delicious ass of yours." His eyes lock onto Alec's, "the front isn't half bad either."

"Damn it, Magnus. We don't have time for that right now." Alec says and continues to rinse off the soap.

"Are you insinuating that if we weren't in a hurry, we would have time for me to join you in the shower so I can watch you wash every last inch of your body?"

Alec nearly trips over his own feet by Magnus' words.

"NO! Definitely not what I was saying." Alec sticks his head out of the shower.

"Oh, my bad then." Magnus strides past the shower, glancing in behind the shower curtain unapologetically. "It would be an amazing little show. I'm sure of that."

"Fine!" Alec tears the curtain away. "You want to have a look, then fucking look!" Alec is standing fully naked, feet slightly apart and his arms crossed his chest. "Just hurry up and be ready to leave in ten minutes!"

"I..." Magnus' mouth hangs open and he can barely string a sentence together.

"Satisfied? Can we move on now?"

Magnus nods, still with his mouth open.

"Good." He steps out of the shower, dries himself off without being the least considerate of Magnus and then gets dressed quickly.

"Damn, I think I might need a shower now..."

"As long as it quick I don't give a fuck." Alec turns to face Magnus. "I'm getting dressed then I'm grabbing some coffee to go. Be downstairs and ready to go in 7 minutes."

"Yes sir." Magnus responds with his eyes glued to Alec's body. As soon as Alec leaves, Magnus rushes into the shower, rinses off the bisexual-panic-sweat and quickly gets dressed. He grabs his makeup on the way, deciding to do it in the car.

Alec is already waiting by the car, two coffees in hand.

"Here" he offers Magnus one which he quietly takes and get into his seat in the car. Very unlike him. The entire way there, Magnus doesn't speak. He drinks his coffee, does his makeup and cast long side-glances at Alec. But not a word is spoken.

When they arrive and the car I sparked, Alec turns to Magnus.

"Are you angry with me? Did I go too far?"

"No. Not at all. I'm just... processing I think..."

"Processing what?"

"How can you be that perfect!?" He blurts out. Unable to control himself. "I have never seen anyone with such a beautiful body. Damn!"

"Alright, settle down." Alec looks out the windows as if he is checking if anybody can hear them. "And don't be overdramatic. You can tone down those compliments of yours. They are starting to feel very fake."

"But... they aren't. it's not just me complimenting you because it's fun. You literally are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen."

"Thank you, I guess..." Alec blushes. "But can we move on now... and try to act professional."

"Sure. Sorry. I'm back."

They get out of the car and head towards the front entrance.

"But I do truly believe you should stop wearing clothes. It's a crime against humanity."

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