Erotomania (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Not Requested

In honor of spooky month I thought the next entry would be one with a darker tone. Warning there will be mentions of Violence and Murder. You have been Warned.



The soft dripping sound of water echoed throughout the young man's mind as he slowly gained consciousness. His eyes slowly flutter open to an unrecognizable location. He was in a basement, not his basement. The Young man went to try to touch his head since it ached but was stopped when he heard the sound of a chain.

Slowly, he looked down at his hand to see that his wrists were handcuffed to the arms of the chair he was currently sat in. Instantly he began to panic, he didn't know where he was and he had no knowledge as to how he got here.

"The fuck?" Y/n spoke, his voice laced with fear.

His voice came out husk and weak due to his throat being dry. He looked around the basement to see that it was quite empty. Besides him and the chair he was sat in there was only a washing machine and drier that was tucked away in a corner on the opposite side of the room. The small window that sat on the wall above him was covered by a wood pallet that seemed to be nailed down over it, whoever did it made it so he couldn't see outside.

The floor above him softly creaked making Y/n look up hearing dust fall from the ceiling down to the floor from the movement of someone upstairs. Due to his panic he hasn't noticed the muffled sound of music coming from upstairs until this moment.

The creaks moved from above him to the other side of the room towards the stairs that sat across the other side of the room leading to who knows where. The creaks stopped and Y/n then could hear the sound of the door being unlocked. Soon the door to the basement then slowly opened casting a light onto the ground in front of the stairs.

Y/n's breath increased in frequency as he listened to whoever opened the door begin making their way down the steps, each step letting of a creak. The person's legs came into view first, then their torso and finally their head which revealed a woman carrying a small bowl in hand.

"Oh thank God" Y/n let out a breath of relief before opening his mouth intending to beg the woman to help him but the woman spoke first.

"Oh you're finally awake my prince!" The woman squealed out in excitement while quickly walking across the basement towards him. Y/n gained a confused expression as the woman approached him and set the bowl down on the ground in front of him.

"I was wondering when you were gonna wake up! I thought using your exact height and weight to calculate the right dosage would work. But you've been asleep for two days. You started to worry me my prince." The woman continued with a innocent tone.

Y/n felt all the color drain from his face as he listened to the woman, who he thought was his savior was actually the person who kidnapped him. He began to violently thrash around making the woman in front of him to gasp at his actions.

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