Late Night Drive (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Not Requested


Something I've come to notice about my boyfriend Y/n is that when he feels over pressured or emotional he shuts down, he's always been quiet and seclusive but when somethings bothering him he doubles down on it.

Normally it wouldn't concern me but I've always been one to speak out about my issues, to talk to someone about it, but that isn't how he is.

I usually know when he feels vulnerable or brought down by life when. "You wanna go for a ride?" I heard the voice of Y/n, I turn to look at him with a comforting smile and a squint of my eyes. "Now? It's 3 in the morning."

Y/n just shrugged his shoulders. "Don't really wanna be home right now." He said before stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweats.

At first I was gonna decline and tell him that we should just stay home, but something about his demeanor felt off. Something was wrong. "Yeah, okay just lemme get a jacket." He slowly nodded and leaned against the doorway as I got up. "Cool."

My boyfriend and I are complete opposites, I'm very outgoing and social while he isn't. But that doesn't take away any of my love for him, if anything it makes me love him so much more.

Even though I can be very social sometimes it can be too much, even for me. So his unsociability allows me a chance to just stay home and take a moment to be myself.

After getting my jacket Y/n and I exit the house, I stepped forward before turning to watch Y/n shut the front door behind him and lock it. He then turned to face me and feigned a smile before beginning to walk ahead, now I knew something was off but I would wait to ask.

Both Y/n and I made our way towards the car, I to the passenger side and Y/n to the driver's, as he often liked to be the one to drive.

When we got into the car I let out a breath while looking over at him, watching as he started the car and turned on the heater, I could feel the cold of the leather from the seats, even through my hoodie, or well Y/n's hoodie.

After a few seconds though I could feel the seat warming up, Y/n then put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway before taking off down the road toward the city of L.A.

As he drove I silently sat in the passenger seat, staring at the big houses in the hills as we passed them. I then turned to look at Y/n and behind him outside his window I could see the distant lights of the city illuminating half of his face, and in his eyes I could finally see it... Hurt.

His expression was calm and stoic, but his eyes told a completely different story.

Slowly, I reached my hand over and set it upon his foreman that rested on the middle console. He glanced over at me and read my expression, I didn't even have to ask him as we've done this so many times before, it was our little ritual.

"I thought about my dad last night." He said while facing the road ahead, even though he wasn't facing me I could tell he was deep in thought, doing this; driving while speaking helped him process what to say, as it leveled out his head that is filled with spiraling thoughts.

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