Keep Moving Forward (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Not Requested

Warning:This chapter has mentions/euphemisms about Attempted Suicide, if that makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to read but I suggest you give it a try as it's something I need to get off my chest.




I remember this night like it was yesterday, the headlights shined through the front window lighting it all up, I could see the shadow of the bush that sat in front of the window casted upon the glass.

I moved to get up and head to the front door and opened it, upon opening it I could hear the sounds of laughter. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as to who could be here. My stare looked to the nearby clock on the wall to see it read 2:12 Am.

I stepped outside and made my way towards a van that was parked in the driveway only to see my mom stood next to it, she waved off the van as it drove off. When she turned and saw me she let out a hiccup as she approached me.

"Hey sonny!" She slurred out with the smell of alcohol lacing her breath, she's drunk. "Mom you're drunk, where have you been?" I asked while stepping up to her causing her to scoff at my words.

"I was out having fun! Being a mom is tiring and I don't want to do it anymore...H-Hey you know what we should do?" My mom asked in a drunken whisper.

"What?" My mom stumbled closer to me and set her hands on my shoulders. "We, we should go take inside and take a lot of my pills, just disappear... Me and you together. I know you've been struggling baby but you don't have to anymore... You can go peacefully with me, it'll be quiet, no more worries about anything."

My mom has been struggling with depression like I have, dad left us when I and my siblings were young, choosing to party and drink over raising his kids. My mom before this has attempted to O.D twice.

"W-What?" I asked in surprise while staring up at her, that was until her face started to melt, I looked on in horror as my entire surroundings started to wither and fade away... I was dying


I sat up in bed with a gasp while clutching my chest... It's the same dream. Hi, my name is Y/n L/n and I'm a 21 year old loser. I've been dealt a shit hand when it comes to life.

I get up from my bed and walk over to a nearby drawer before opening it, I just stare at what's inside it. Maybe today will be the day I go away... Where I choose to let myself slip into what awaits us after... I wanted desperately for someone to set their hands on my shoulders and tell me to put it away and come back to bed, but I had nobody.

I sighed and closed the drawer before turning to get ready for the day. I had something I needed to do and I'm not gonna back out today.

After I showered and brushed my teeth in the bathroom I got dressed. After doing so I just stared at myself in the mirror, there's nothing wrong with my appearance but I hate what I'm staring at... It's not like I'm ugly or anything I just don't like what I see, I keep comparing myself to what I could've been if I had everything I needed when growing up.

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