Sleepless Nights (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Not Requested


I've always had trouble sleeping, it's something that I've grown up with and still affects me to this day. My stare remains on the ceiling. It's been half an hour since I got off my phone and I just couldn't shut my mind off, my thoughts aren't really something I can explain, they change so often and are too quick for me to even process what I was even thinking about.

The sounds of the blanket shifting made me move my gaze down to see my sleeping girlfriend Jenna Ortega laid on top of me, her head laid on my shoulder since I laid on my back, her arm was resting across my chest while she let out quiet snores.

Jenna knows about my troubles with sleep and tells me to wake her up whenever I get like this but I don't ever listen to her... She's an actress, not only that but a famous one, she's always in high demand for projects and she's already taken a lot on so she needs her sleep.

I let out a sigh as I stared at the ceiling again, some nights I thought of the past, mistakes I've made, relationships I fucked up or things in my life I had no control over, what if this were to happen instead of how it actually played out? Would I be here in this moment with Jenna? Or is what happened the reason we're together?

What's gonna happen with the future? I'm not an actor... I'm a nobody that's dating one of the biggest celebrities as of right now... When Jenna made our relationship public a lot of people disapproved me, usually that wouldn't be a big issue but I would be lying if I said some of the comments made about our relationship haven't gotten to me.

Stuff about my appearance, how I wasn't in movies like Jenna... I was a nobody and that's the truth, is Jenna really that far out of my league? My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of Jenna letting out a groan as she started to wake up.

She blinked a couple times before looking up at me. "You're up?" She asked with a yawn and I nodded making her sigh as she sat up a bit. "Babe you were supposed to wake me up when you get like this." It was now my turn to sigh as I sat up with my back facing her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked now with a worried tone while moving closer to me and setting her hand on my back before she gave it a comforting rub. I ran my hands over my face and through my hair. "It's nothing." I could tell that wouldn't convince Jenna, she was too emotionally intelligent.

"Y/n we've been together since we were kids I can tell when somethings bothering you and right now you're bothered." Jenna sat behind me and I could feel her wrap her legs around my stomach before she pressed her chest against my back while her hands snaked around my body with her palms rested against my chest.

Jenna hugged me close into herself while resting her head on my shoulder. I let out another sigh and decided to give in instead of trying to hide my thoughts like I always did. "It's about what people are saying about us." I admitted causing Jenna to let out a hum letting me know she understood my mood.

"Y/n you can't let-" I sighed and laid more back onto Jenna's embrace before interrupting her. "I know, i know I shouldn't give two shits about what they say but a part of me just won't let me ignore them, every one of your posts with me they leave such disapproving comments.

"They can leave all the comments they want they don't affect us, nobody's gonna tell me who I can and can't date." Jenna responded making me sigh. "That's the problem Jenna they probably wouldn't give a shit if I was some other celebrity but since I'm a nobo-" I was interrupted by Jenna who hugged me tighter.

"Don't you dare call yourself a nobody... Don't, Y/n they may disapprove you but I think you're everything. You make me smile and laugh more than anyone in my life, you put everything aside to assure that I'm okay and taken care of, that I don't put myself down or that I'm not too stressed... You do it so much that I forget that I have to take care of you too." Jenna said making me sit up and turn to look at her.

I looked into Jenna's eyes as she looked at me, she then moved across the bed closer to me and set her hands on my cheeks. "They don't see the amazing man you are... All your life people have put you down and yet you still stand strong, you still face your problems head on no matter how scared or nervous you are... You've taken care of so many people that you don't know what it feels like to just take a moment to rest your mind... What it's like to be the one being taken care of... Just let go of all of your worries and let me take care of you for once." Jenna said in a comforting tone before pressing her forehead against mine.

I closed my eyes. "I... I don't know how." I admitted with a tone of uncertainty, I then could feel Jenna take her forehead away from mine before bringing my head down into her chest with her arms wrapped around it. "Let me show you." She whispered while laying back.

I was now the one laying on top of her with my head pressed against her chest. One of her hands rested on the back of my head, gently scratching my scalp while the other rubbed circles on the top of my back. I wasn't sure how to feel in this moment... My body felt tight, like somehow I was doing something wrong.

But after a bit of of laying here I could feel everything slow down. My body relaxed and so did my mind, for once I wasn't worried about anything... My thoughts weren't going crazy, I just listened to the comforting rhythmic thump of Jenna's heartbeat in her chest before she began to speak.

"I find your want to always improve yourself admiring but it's a double edged sword my beloved, you'll always never be enough for yourself, you can get everyone's approval but you'll never be enough to satisfy yourself and I know that's because of how people treated you in the past but here right now you are enough, you're more than enough to me... You're strong enough to let go for a while Y/n."

For once in my life I didn't have to put up this wall of resilience... I didn't need to be the man with all the answers. I could let go and allow myself to relax, allow myself to be held and comforted instead of doing the comforting.

It wasn't something I was used to but in this current moment its what I needed, even if I didn't want to admit it... Allowing someone to help me felt wrong... Like I shouldn't need help, that it was a sign of weakness, one that I couldn't afford to have.

I'm so used to being in control of everything that when the moment came where something I couldn't control happened I couldn't let it go... I wouldn't let myself forget the words people said about me, but in reality they didn't matter. "Just relax." I heard Jenna whisper while laying a kiss on my head.

Slowly my eyes began to get heavy, all the insecurities that I was thinking about a bit ago faded as I started to get tired. "I think about how we met all the time, you were so quiet and seclusive back then. But the more we talked and realized how much we had in common you opened up to me more and more as time went on, I got to see all the things you were passionate about and you let me know just how passionate you really were... After a year of being together you got so talkative, you'd go on and on about something you enjoyed and I'd just listen to you with the biggest smile on my face." Jenna whispered to me while continuing to play with my hair as I drifted off.

3rd Person POV

"I always love to hear you rant about the things you love, like the games you play or the movies and shows you enjoy watching. I could listen to you for hours without getting bored because it's you... And I find it cute watching you geek out about something you're excited about, always going into full detail about some pieces of lore you understand that I don't." Jenna finished with a giggle before looking down at Y/n only to see he was asleep in her arms.

She smiled at the sight before giving him a gentle squeeze to let the sleeping young man know that he was safe in her arms, that she'd be here to take care of him.

"I'll do a better job of taking care of you from now on... I promise."


I wrote this last night at 4 in the morning, just a late night fantasy of mine that I decided to make into a short story... I'm a terrible insomniac🥲

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