Chapter 2: Opportunity

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After Yue Xi finished speaking, she ran back to the palace from the desolate burial mound.

A day later, the concubines of the six palaces went to Fengyi Palace to pay their respects. Once all the concubines were seated, Imperial Concubine Xu (Xu Yunfei) spoke first, "Did you sisters hear the screams of a woman in the palace yesterday? I was truly terrified." Imperial Concubine Xu glanced towards the Empress and covered her mouth with a piece of cloth. The Empress knew that Imperial Concubine Xu was provoking trouble, and at that moment, Concubine Yuan  (Yuan Xiangxin) also chimed in, "I heard it too. It seemed to come from the Empress's palace." All the concubines looked towards the Empress, who still had a smile on her face. Her eyes fixed on Imperial Concubine Xu as she spoke, "The incident yesterday was not my doing. It caused unnecessary fear among you all. It was just one of the palace maids around me who had improper thoughts. I couldn't turn a blind eye, so I took care of her." The Empress's tone carried a hint of resentment, but her expression remained smiling, making it even more terrifying. Concubine Yuan and Imperial Concubine Xu dared not speak any further. At this moment, Noble Attendant An  (Qin Liyang) spoke up to ease the atmosphere, "Since it was a palace maid with improper thoughts, it is only right for the Empress to punish her. Sisters, there's no need to be afraid anymore." Although her words seemed neutral, perceptive individuals could tell that she was siding with the Empress. Nevertheless, her words did have a soothing effect, and the concubines did not bring up the matter again.

After walking for a day, Yue Xi finally arrived at the Yeting, the place where ordinary palace maids and eunuchs worked. When Yue Xi reached the front of the Yeting, she weakly fainted in the courtyard, catching the attention of an auntie. The auntie brought her to her own quarters and took care of her. When Yue Xi woke up, she saw the auntie attentively looking after her.

"You're awake, young lady. Here, drink this ginger soup." The auntie held a bowl of ginger soup and brought it to Yue Xi.

Yue Xi didn't say much and drank the ginger soup. It warmed her stomach, and she looked at the auntie before speaking, "Thank you, Auntie. May I know your name?"

"Just call me Auntie Fang," Auntie Fang (Fang Ruxin) replied with a gentle smile.

This was the first time Yue Xi experienced a feeling of warmth, and there were many things she couldn't put into words in her heart.

"Why is Auntie Fang so kind to me? I am just a wretched person with no worth, not deserving of anyone's pity," Yue Xi said pitifully, tears welling up in her eyes and sliding down her face, evoking sympathy from Auntie Fang.

"We all serve others in our lives. Some people trample upon others to survive, but there are also those who empathize with each other's suffering," Auntie Fang couldn't help but sigh.

"Auntie, could you do me a favor? I am wandering in the palace and still have parents to support at home. Could you give me some odd jobs?" Yue Xi held Auntie Fang's hand, pleading with bitterness that was hard to refuse.

Auntie Fang naturally agreed to Yue Xi's request and arranged for her to clean the Imperial Garden as a palace maid. It was even more convenient for Yue Xi because the Emperor would often come to the Imperial Garden to enjoy the flowers. As long as she found the right opportunity, she could climb up. She made up her mind to use the Emperor's favor to become a sharp blade and strike at all those who harmed her. Once Yue Xi recovered her strength, she went to work in the Imperial Garden. As she walked through the garden, Yue Xi overheard the palace maids gossiping.

"Did you hear? The palace maid who sought glory by betraying her master was beaten to death, right in front of the palace gates. Afterwards, they threw her body into the desolate burial mound."

The Palace Maid is a Fox SpiritNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ