Chapter 14: The Empress Dowager

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"Why is that happening?" The Empress Dowager felt curious and couldn't help but ask.
"In response, Your Majesty, I placed different fuels in the golden bowls. I put purple sandalwood on the right side and firewood on the left. When the fire touched the purple sandalwood and copper, the flame turned purple-blue, and when the fire touched the firewood and sodium, the flame turned golden. However, I observed the priest's bowl, and it was made of copper. When the fire touched the copper, naturally, it turned purple-blue," explained YueXi.After YueXi's explanation, everyone was surprised and looked towards Priest Yena, making her panic. Yena turned to Jun Han Cheng and knelt down, quickly adjusting herself, "Your Majesty, you must not believe the words of this fox spirit!"Seeing that Priest Yena was becoming restless, the Empress started to worry, "Your Majesty, perhaps this is a misunderstanding.""The Empress casually downplays it. When the priest accused Concubine Yan of being a fox spirit, why didn't the Empress defend her? And now that the priest is agitated, why does the Empress suddenly mention a misunderstanding?" Imperial Concubine Xu sneered at the Empress, revealing her true intentions.After listening, the Empress immediately knelt down, saying with grievance, "Your Majesty, I have no other intentions!"Jun Han Cheng was annoyed by these women and furrowed his brows but remained silent."Your Majesty, I only had a brief encounter with the priest, and she accused me of being a fox spirit. I'm just wondering why the priest would point me out as a fox spirit when we have no grudges. Could it be that someone has bribed the priest?" YueXi quickly seized the opportunity, exposing the flaw."What Concubine Yan said makes sense. Could it be that the priest has been bribed?" Consort Ran took the opportunity to pursue the matter and pointed out the problem.Yena panicked and immediately knelt down, approaching Jun Han Cheng's knees, shouting, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty! It was... the Empress who wanted me to accuse Concubine Yan of being a wicked concubine. The Empress used her maternal family to threaten me, and I dare not disobey!"Upon hearing this, the Empress widened her eyes like copper bells and accused the priest, "What nonsense are you spouting, Priest! I have never threatened you. Your Majesty! I am being falsely accused! Lately, I have indeed been restless, and Your Majesty knows it!"

Jun Han Cheng glanced at the Empress, stood up, turned his back to her, and said, "This matter ends here. Yena, the priest, has slandered the consorts and will be stripped of her position forever, never to enter the palace again. The management of the six palaces, which the Empress has not handled properly, will be entrusted to Consort Ran. Empress, focus on recuperating."After finishing his words, Jun Han Cheng wearily walked back to the Taihe Palace, leaving behind the concubines.

"That's enough. I am tired, so all of you can leave," the Empress Dowager had seen enough of the drama and instructed the concubines to return to their palaces."I take my leave, Your Majesty."After the concubines dispersed, the Empress Dowager kept YueXi and met her in the Jianzhang Palace. YueXi knelt outside the palace gate for an hour, waiting for the Empress Dowager to change her attire. After an hour, Lianrui, who was by the Empress Dowager's side, called YueXi inside the palace.

Inside the palace, YueXi saw the Empress Dowager trimming orchids. The Empress Dowager didn't even look at YueXi directly and said, "You're here?""Your Majesty... I wish the Empress Dowager peace," YueXi obediently performed a respectful salute, displaying proper manners.

The Empress Dowager glanced at YueXi and smirked, "You've learned the rules quite well. It seems you've served the Emperor for a long time."YueXi replied humbly, "Your Majesty's praise, I dare not accept it."

Finally, the Empress Dowager looked directly at YueXi's face, saying, "You do indeed have remarkable features. But what impresses me more is your scheming, daring to plot against even the Empress."

The Empress Dowager laughed.

"I absolutely dare not, Your Majesty.""You don't dare? Just now, you spoke so confidently and boldly. Why are you shrinking back now?"YueXi appeared calm on the surface, but it was inevitable for her to feel a bit nervous during her first meeting with the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager could see through it and took the opportunity to say, "The Empress's methods... are so foolish."

Curiously, YueXi raised her head and looked towards the Empress Dowager.

"I called you here because I saw your scheming nature," the Empress Dowager said, implying that she wanted to win YueXi over."Your Majesty, I only wish to serve the Emperor faithfully and have no other desires...""Many matters cannot be resolved just by wishing to live peacefully. However, this time, I indeed acted impulsively. I don't want to make things difficult for you. You may go back for now." 

After saying this, the Empress Dowager picked up her teacup and started drinking. Once YueXi left, the Empress Dowager started to worry.

"Is the Empress Dowager worried about the Liu family's matter?" Lianrui brought the tea."The Emperor has always been concerned about the Qi family... I also feel sorry for Xinyi..." The Empress Dowager said with teary eyes."Don't worry, Empress Dowager. Miss Liu has your blessings and protection. There shouldn't be any problems. Perhaps one day, the Emperor will give you a positive response.""I'm afraid it's difficult..." 

YueXi returned to Xizhao Tower and instructed someone to bring a jade bottle. She vomited into the bottle.

"I didn't expect that even conceiving a child would be so difficult..." YueXi covered her chest and gasped for breath."Master, it's normal to feel uncomfortable after kneeling. Shall I call Doctor Chu to come?" Ruxin expressed concern for YueXi.YueXi nodded gently, and Ruxin instructed Yier to fetch Doctor Chu."Ruxin... The Empress Dowager's intention just now was to win me over.""Does Master have any concerns?""The Empress Dowager's sudden visit this time has made me curious. Can you find out more for me?""As you command, Master. I am willing to do so," Ruqin replied.

In the Fengyi Palace,The Empress sat with her head in her hands, unable to eat a single bite of rice, feeling distressed."Don't distress yourself, Your Majesty..." Qinglan said with concern."Zhao YueXi... ," the Empress said with bitterness."Don't worry, Your Majesty. The Emperor has not directed his anger towards us...""The Emperor may not show it openly... but I'm afraid he already dislikes me in his heart...""You are the Empress, the legitimate wife of the Emperor. The Emperor will not dislike you.""Saying these things is useless. In the current situation, what I need to do is gain the Emperor's trust..." "What does Your Majesty plan to do?""Concubine Yan's power is strong now, and it is not easy to deal with her. I can only gain the Emperor's trust first. Qinglan, from now on, Concubine Yan is not our mortal enemy. Instead, we need to win her over." The Empress quickly changed her expression, speaking with a smile on her face."Your Majesty... I don't understand.""You will understand soon enough," the Empress responded with a smile.

The next day at noon, YueXi walked around Xizhao Tower, and Ruxin brought news from the Empress Dowager."Are you saying there is a girl named Liu Qing Qing from the Empress Dowager's maternal family?""I also learned about it from the Empress Dowager's palace maid. It seems there is a girl from the Liu family who has been living outside. When the Empress Dowager learned about it, she felt sorry for her and wanted to find her a support, but the Emperor was wary of the growing power of the extended family and paid no attention to this matter.""I see..." YueXi pondered and murmured.Before YueXi could react, Jun Han Cheng arrived at Xizhao Tower.

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