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The pep talk had helped. Jeongguk had gotten up from his little pity party and thrown the ice cream away and got to packing too. Even took time to beautifully wrap the Christmas presents for his aunt, uncle, Soobin and Jeongguk’s older brother, Junghyun. 

But now they’d been driving for a long time on this strange, twisty turvy back road and the snow was still just as relentless as it had been on the interstate.

Jeongguk tries to not seem concerned about it by chattering to Soobin about his last date with a really good looking alpha named Dereck.

“He’s one of the new personal trainers at the gym. He made sure all the other alphas gave me space while I worked out. You know how they can get when they smell us sweat,” he says with a laugh.

Soobin is also an omega, and had just recently started dating Yeonjun, his crush he’s had since the first day of college. Both are music majors and had realized how much they enjoyed making music together. Soobin on guitar and Yeonjun on piano. 

But they were taking things slow. Yeonjun is a beta, and had never had a boyfriend before, much less an omega one, so Soobin insisted they ease into things, regardless of how eager he was, and how in love he was too. 

“Yeah, it pisses Yeonjun off. He gets jealous that all he can smell on me is my cologne and not whatever it is the alphas smell.”

Jeongguk chuckles. “That’s a shame, because you smell like gardenia and hyacinth and a little hint of citrus. It’s really good.”

Soobin smiles. “If I had a dollar for every time you’ve told me that. I would almost think you’re jealous of my scent.”

Jeongguk shrugs. “I am, since I have no idea what I smell like.”

Okay, so it was kind of a setup for Soobin to then go into great detail about how Jeongguk smells better than any omega he has ever smelled before. Like strawberries and white florals and apples. Fresh, crisp, and sweet. Alphas trip over themselves whenever Jeongguk is nearby, and it’s not just because he makes sure to always look good, his scent adds to his irresistible allure. Sometimes he feels so fortunate for it, but sometimes he loathes it, but only when he’s not in the mood for attention.

And it’s been happening a lot more lately, his dislike for attention from overly attention seeking males. Sometimes he just wants to drink his coffee at his favorite cafe in peace. Sometimes he wants to just relax at the park without alphas clamoring to impress him by doing everything from cartwheels to pushups to climbing trees.

He often laughs, which the alphas take as a good sign, but he’s laughing at how absurd it all is. 

He’s lost in thought when Soobin suddenly pipes up, panic in his voice. “Guk, do you know where we are? We haven’t passed by any gas stations or restaurants for the past hour.”

Jeongguk tries to think if he’s taken any unusual turns, but it’s hard to see with the veil of white in front of him as he drives.

“I mean, the road is really loopy. I guess it’s possible we veered off?”

Lost to Lovers | Taekook Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang