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“Let me come there. And when I come, I’ll make you come.”

Jeongguk is already a moaning mess and he doesn’t have the strength to say no, because Taehyung’s voice sounds like sex smothered in honey, then dipped in flames. His shy alpha putting his shyness aside to make his omega feel better. It’s no wonder Jeongguk has fallen so hard in love with him.

“Yes.” it’s all Jeongguk can seem to get out.

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes, baby.”


As promised, Taehyung is knocking on the cabin door twenty minutes later on the dot.

Jeongguk had used the time to get a shower, jerking off after the conversation that had left his body buzzing, lessening the ache in his joints for a moment, dulling the dizziness in his brain. 

He cannot wait to get his hands on Taehyung.

So when he hears that knock, he flies to the door and opens it, unabashedly pulling the alpha into the cabin and slamming the door shut behind them. He gloms onto Taehyung like the man is a fucking tree.

“Well hello to you too,” Taehyung laughs.

“Gonna have to save the chit-chat, babe,” Jeongguk replies. “I need you to fuck me.”

Taehyung’s eyes go wide, and Jeongguk knows he’s being too much, that this might be overwhelming. He’s in a very vulnerable place, but he never would have let Taehyung come to him if he hadn’t trusted him, felt comfortable in his presence despite the things just thinking of Taehyung does to him.

“Don’t look at me like that. You knew what you were getting into.”

Taehyung grins, devilish. “Didn’t know my voice was such a turn-on.”

Jeongguk doesn’t answer him, just starts helping Taehyung strip off his clothes. In the fray, Jeongguk’s towel slides off his hips and onto the floor. Neither one bothers picking it up.

“Everything about you is a turn-on,” Jeongguk purrs in response. 

“Likewise,” Taehyung says as he lifts Jeongguk up, the omega wrapping his legs around the alphas hips as he’s carried over to the bed. 

The nest he’d made is currently a mess, but Jeongguk can’t care about that, and Taehyung doesn’t seem to care either, a growl escaping his lips when he sucks in a breath of Jeongguk’s heady scent. “Wow…” he sighs, eyes fluttering shut.

“Sorry I don’t have any slutty lingerie on this time.”

“Fuck, Guk, you don’t need it.”

And then the alpha is being pushed down onto his back, Jeongguk straddling him, and they’re kissing. Impatient and hungry, hands hurried over damp skin. 

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