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The house feels too hot, and Jeongguk has already taken off his heavy sweater and now only wears a black t-shirt. His jeans feel too tight, itchy, and he just wants to be naked already. 

He knows it’s because the full moon is rising higher in the sky, and his inner wolf is ready for the shift. 

It’s not abnormal for his body temperature to rise when it’s a full moon, but it’s typically minor, and he’s able to ignore it by turning on his overhead fan for the night. 

Jeongguk figures the extra heat he feels is because he knows he’s about to go into his wolf form, and the anticipation is making him itchy and sweaty. Soobin seems to be suffering as well, though not quite as intensely as Jeongguk.

He’s temporarily distracted, though, as they all sit at the dining table for their Christmas Eve dinner, when he looks down at his plate and sees a few extra pieces of turkey and steak. He looks up and his eyes find Taehyung’s, who’s sitting next to him looking proud.

“Thank you,” Jeongguk says, bowing his head slightly to the alpha. His heart is beating wildly at the significance of what Taehyung has just done by giving him the meat. It’s an indication of Taehyung’s growing commitment to the omega he has scented, thus claimed. 

All the sensations pummeling Jeongguk’s body make him lightheaded, and he reaches for his glass of water, downing it in one gulp.

“You okay, Guk?”

Jeongguk nods, smiles weakly to reassure Taehyung that he’s fine. “Just really hot.”

Taehyung looks concerned and excuses himself from the dinner table before returning with a bandana. 

It’s ice cold as he ties it around Jeongguk’s neck. “I keep these in the freezer for the hot days on the farm.”

Jeongguk closes his eyes and lets out a long exhale. The bandana feels divine. 

“Thank you, babe.”

They continue eating until, one by one, Kims are taking their empty plates to the kitchen.

The conversation around dinner cleanup is jumpy and light. Everyone is excited about the run, the anticipation is growing, and Jeongguk remembers that he wants to call his auntie and uncle before it starts. 

He and Taehyung retreat to his little house, changing into soft, fluffy robes before sitting down on Taehyung’s couch.

Jeongguk calls Auntie Ha-Eun and Uncle Sook, Soobin’s parents who raised him, while Taehyung tries to look busy by going through a stack of mail on his coffee table. But he can tell he’s listening, possibly curious about what Jeongguk is talking to them about.

“And yeah, it’s been really nice here,” Jeongguk is saying as he gazes at Taehyung’s profile. The alpha is smiling proudly and Jeongguk’s omega feels a sense of calm and peace at making his alpha happy.

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