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The Kim family knows how to party. Jeongguk would never question that fact.

The entire pack is spread around the large living room, talking and laughing, telling stories and drinking hot chocolate spiked with peppermint Schnapps. 

Jeongguk notices that Taehyung’s mug is nearly overflowing with mini marshmallows as he sits in a plush, leather recliner. His Auntie Chinsun had insisted he sit in the most comfortable seat in the house before plopping a plate of fried chicken on his lap. 

Taehyung had gone out for a couple of hours to patrol Wolf Hollow in his snowplow, clearing any areas that were in desperate need of it while also trying to not use up too much of his gas. The stations would all be closed for another day at least, but Taehyung was determined to do what he could in the meantime.

Jeongguk couldn’t help being turned on by Taehyung’s need to help out his community, but he had missed his presence. But as soon as Taehyung had returned, the two fell right back into easy conversation, staying close, eyes glued to each other.

The alpha is so clearly the center of attention, the center of his pack. His family is drawn to him like bees to honey. 

And Jeongguk doesn’t blame them. He’s just as drawn to the alpha. Even Soobin can’t resist being in Taehyung’s orbit. 

“There really is something magnetic about him. I wish Yeonjun could get to know him and all of the Kims. I told him about going on the run tomorrow night. I’m like, so excited! I haven’t shifted in years.”

And then Soobin is pulled away by Hoseok and Hyo to start a game of darts. They ask Jeongguk to play, but the omega is content to watch Taehyung be swarmed by his youngest cousins, all vying for his attention as they show him their letters to Santa that they’ve been working on all day.

“It’s getting closer to the run, so everyone wants to make sure our alpha is comfortable and happy.”

Jeongguk turns to see Taehyung’s father standing next to him, a drink of something like whiskey or scotch in his hand. So different from the drink his son is currently slurping melted marshmallows from. It’s so cute it hurts.

“I thought you were still somewhat considered the alpha of the Kim pack?” he asks, not quite sure where Taehyung stands exactly with his family, though it seems obvious that he is their leader.

“Ah, well, I have relinquished my position to my son, and gladly. But for some reason, Taehyung doesn’t feel as if he’s going to be able to rise to the occasion. I’ve trained my son in all the ways I know on how to lead a pack, but he still struggles to accept himself as the top alpha. Sometimes I wonder…” his voice trails off as he takes a sip of whiskey, and Jeongguk is curious as to what he was about to say.

“What do you think could help, sir?” he asks, because a part of him wonders if there is something he could do to help Taehyung see how truly capable he is. He’d do anything. 

“Sometimes I think my son just needs someone in his life that will believe in him. Of course, there’s no question that all of us believe in him, and I know he knows that.The whole town knows how good he’ll be as the pack leader. But when it comes to Taehyungie believing in himself? I wonder if it would take someone outside of all this to tell him that he’s special, that he can do this. Someone that he trusts and cares about.”

Lost to Lovers | Taekook Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang