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There’s a kinship between himself and the celestial light in the sky as he feeds off of its power and glow. He grunts, but doesn’t fight nature as his body morphs into its second form.

With a sudden burst of energy and snow whooshing up into the air, Jeongguk lands on all fours and shakes his furry head. He nuzzles at the air around him, takes in a deep breath, and with all his might he howls up at the moon until his lungs constrict and he snorts, panting happily.

He lops out from his cover, and finds a group of wolves waiting for him. 

He immediately notices Soobin and his dark, gray fur and he barks in greeting. Soobin howls in return, stomping his paws on the snow, excited and eager to stretch his legs. 

Several of the Kim wolves surround Jeongguk, walking in circles, showing their approval of his quick shift and impressive coat. Jeongguk has always taken pride in the shiny and smooth, russet brown fur he had been blessed with. 

He doesn’t see his alpha, but he can sense Taehyung and he can smell him somewhere nearby. He wants to see him, and raises his head up from the wolves gathered near him. 

It’s then that he not only catches the scent of Taehyung but he also smells blood. He whines with concern, wondering if someone has already gotten hurt, but when he scents the air, he realizes it’s not Taehyung or any of the other wolves that are bleeding. It’s the smell of a small animal.

And that’s when the Kim pack parts, allowing a large, honey golden wolf to approach where Jeongguk stands. 

The vanilla, sugar scent of Taehyung is so strong now and Jeongguk knows that the wolf coming towards him, slowly but confidently, is his alpha, is his Taehyung.

And in his jaws he carries the carcass of a fresh kill. It’s a jackrabbit, it’s body limp and bleeding where Taehyung’s teeth sink into its furry neck.

Jeongguk’s heart pounds against his ribcage, knowing what this means, what it signifies as Taehyung finally stops in front of him and carefully drops the jackrabbit onto the white snow at Jeongguk’s feet. He nudges it with his snout before stepping back and sitting on his hind legs, lowering his head reverently. 

This is a gift to him, and something Jeongguk has never had happen to him before. He’s overwhelmed and overcome and shows Taehyung his sincere appreciation by laying his body onto the snow, yipping his thank you before using a front paw to bat the rabbit closer to him. 

Taehyung and the rest of the pack watch as Jeongguk eats the prized gift. It’s raw, but still hot against his tongue as he tears into the skin and noses out pieces of flesh. It’s significant for many reasons. The rabbit is Taehyung’s way to show how he is faithful to his omega, providing for him, taking care of his needs, giving him food so he has the energy to run under the full moon looming overhead. 

It’s the closest way one wolf can love another without saying the words, without having yet given a mating bite. 

And that would be the next step, though Jeongguk and Taehyung haven’t yet discussed that possibility. Both of them know the importance, the permanence of a mating bite, and they are still getting to know each other despite how strong their bond already is, despite being boyfriends in their human form. 

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