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Jeongguk knew there people who still held onto the traditions of shifting, and while many thought it was an antiquated way of thinking, Jeongguk found wolf packs to be somewhat charming. And with all the barren land currently surrounding them, it seemed as if Wolf Hollow might be an incredible place to go on runs, to escape the rigors and responsibilities of daily life for a while.

He finds himself kind of envying Eunjin and her wolf pack way of life.

“Is the woman who greeted us your mom?” Jeongguk asks, suddenly very curious.

Eunjin nods. “Yep! My dad is in the kitchen cooking. And I have two older brothers, but Taehyung and Jonggyu are out in their snowplows patrolling for anyone who might be trapped in the drifts. That’s their friend Yoongi out there,” she says as she points to where the bearded man is still smoking his cigarette outside. “He came by to make sure our parking lot is clear enough for customers. Like you guys!”

She says it so excitedly, as if it’s made her day that Soobin and Jeongguk have gotten lost enough to stop in.

“The place is usually busier than this, but everyone is hunkered down because of the snowstorm. But dad insisted we stay open in case people need a place to get a warm meal. Just like you guys!” She says again with a laugh. 

“Eunjin! Stop talking those boys' ears off and come get them a fresh pot of coffee!” Eunjin’s mother shouts from the front counter. But there’s a playfulness in her tone, as if she’s not really that upset with the daughter she gazes at adoringly.

Jeongguk surmises that the Kim pack might be the most wholesome family he’s ever encountered.

“Coming, ma!” Eunjin hollers back before turning to Jeongguk and Soobin again. “She acts like we’re swamped or something,” she says with a mock roll of her eyes. “Anyway, other than coffee, is there anything else you’d like to drink?”

Jeongguk and Soobin tell her coffee and a couple glasses of water will suffice and Eunjin prompts them to take a look at the menu before skipping off towards the kitchen. 


An hour later, Jeongguk and Soobin are happily full and drinking their third cup of coffee while Mrs. Kim and Eunjin tell them stories involving their family. 

“And then Taehyung fell on his butt because he had no idea how to skate! Can you believe my parents never taught him?” She says, giggling at the memory of the first time her oldest brother took her ice-skating.

“He never cared about learning to skate,” Mrs. Kim retorts, defending herself. “He was always so busy fixing up that old Chevy. I swear that boy has been working on that thing for so long, I don’t know why he hasn’t just given up.”

Eunjin nods in agreement. “It will never run, but he’s too stubborn to stop working on it!”

The two women have certainly spent a lot of time talking about Taehyung, and it prompts the question from Jeongguk. “Is Taehyung your pack leader?”

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