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Jeongguk has a tight fist around his cock, face buried in the pillows as he sticks his ass up in the air, his imagination running wild pretending that Taehyung is on his knees behind him, fucking into him with relish, a satisfied smirk on his face knowing how badly Jeongguk couldn’t resist keeping him away.

He’s now fully into his heat, and it’s a very hot fantasy, one that Jeongguk has thought about over and over as he cums all over his hand, all over the sheets, slick rolling down the inside and on the backs of his thighs. He’s too engrossed in his need to get off to be ashamed of how his body gleams with sweat, hair sticking to his neck and forehead.

He looks like he’s still wet from a shower, but he hasn’t taken one since the night before after Eunjin came to check on him and bring him a hot meal along with a note from Taehyung that had read.


Thinking of you every second. Please let me know if you need me. I miss you. 



The note came with one of Taehyung’s sweaters, the one he’d been wearing Christmas morning and Jeongguk had sighed holding it in his hands, amazed that Taehyung read his mind. Having something of Taehyung’s in his possession, something that smelled just like the alpha, had taken the edge off. And Jeongguk had worn it for a while until his body had gotten too hot. 

He wanted more, and he’d texted Taehyung in one of his moments of weakness to ask.

Lo and behold, there’s been a knock at the cabin door 15 minutes later, Eunjin holding a bag in her hand full of Taehyung’s dirty laundry. 

Jeongguk’s knees had buckled when he’d opened the bag and taken a long inhale, filling his lungs with Taehyung’s delicious scent. He’d ended up on the floor, pulling out every single shirt, pair of sweats, even underwear, and covered his entire body in Taehyung’s clothes. 

Other than having Taehyung’s body on him instead, this felt like the closest he would ever get to heaven. 

The alpha’s smell had sent his heat into overdrive and he’d quickly added the clothes to his nest before jerking off to the thoughts of Taehyung wearing those clothes, slowly removing them until he was completely naked. Jeongguk imagined the alpha touching himself, head thrown back, moaning the omega’s name.

He can’t even find it within himself to be ashamed of where his mind goes. He’s living in a sexual haze that he’s made peace with and immersed himself within. Sure, he’s desperate to get off on a constant basis, but he’s not at all in the kind of pain he normally would be during all the times he was on his own without an alpha’s scent to carry him through.

But now, as he touches himself and thinks of Taehyung, it hits him how much his body screams with want for the alpha. He doesn’t want to lose time with him. It doesn’t feel right. 

Jeongguk tries to convince himself that the clothing is enough, that they might accelerate his heat and maybe he’ll be done a day earlier. 

But the next morning comes and there’s been little relief. In fact, his heat seems to be getting more and more aggressive with each passing hour to the point that Mrs. Kim and Eunjin only stop by for as long as it takes to drop off a hot meal of eggs, bacon, and coffee before leaving in a rush to give Jeongguk his privacy back.

He’s not embarrassed, not the least bit ashamed. How can he be when he’s so damn desperately horny?

And it’s that desperation that has him calling Taehyung during one of his rare moments of relief in between orgasms. 

“Hey! Is your heat over?” Taehyung asks excitedly when he answers. 

“No,” Jeongguk squeaks, just hearing Taehyung’s voice sends a rush of blood straight to his cock. 

“What’s wrong? ” The anxiety is thick in Taehyung’s question.

“Can you just talk to me?”

“Talk to you?”

“Yes…but like…” Jeongguk pants, doesn’t know exactly how to ask for what he’s wanting.

“Like this?” 

Taehyung drops his voice an octave, deepening it, and Jeongguk audibly moans. 

“You like hearing my voice like this, Jeongguk? Like it when I talk to you the way I talked to you in bed the other night?”

And this is why Taehyung is the only alpha he could ever want. Because he’d picked up so quickly onto what Jeongguk wanted from him.

The omega sucks in a breath and he tries not to touch himself, wants the anticipation to build, but it’s a battle he’s going to lose way sooner than later.

“You remember the other night? The way I touched you?”

“Yes,” Jeongguk whispers, breathing getting heavier the more Taehyung talks, the more his memories of their night together floods his thoughts.

“Want me to touch you like that now?”

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