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“Go to sleep, baby.”

And Jeongguk does, with a smile on his face.


“Guk! Guk! Wake up!” 

Jeongguk is rustled awake by the sound of Soobin’s voice as he shakes his shoulder. 

“Mmmph,” is his response. He’s too tired to be woken up already.

“Guk, seriously. I just got back from the diner with Mr. Kim and Taehyung and the fucking car wouldn’t start.”

Jeongguk attempts to blink his eyes open, but they feel like lead, heavy with exhaustion. But it had been worth it, every single minute he’d gone without sleep to spend more time with Taehyung. 

“Why did you go without me?” Jeongguk asks between yawns. He rubs his eyes and opens them to find his cousin with a smirk on his face.

“Because your boyfriend asked if I could let you sleep longer. Apparently you two were up until a few hours ago.”

Jeongguk smiles smugly as he nods. “We were getting to know each other.”

“Yeah. I’m sure you were.”

Jeongguk rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t like that. Tae’s a gentleman. He didn’t want to take things too far since we just met.”

Soobin’s eyes grow wide at that.

“Wow? You’re saying he resisted your charms? All of your charms?”

Jeongguk scoffs at that. “As if. We both wanted to, but it was so much more romantic that we didn’t. Honestly, Soobin, I think I might be in love.”

But Soobin chuckles. “If I had a dollar for every time I heard you say that.”

“I’m serious! Taehyung is unlike any alpha I have ever known. Hotter than any alpha I’ve ever seen, and he’s willing to wait to see if something can happen between us even after I leave.”

“What?!” Soobin yelps. “How is that going to work, Guk? You barely know him and you’re considering moving here to Wolf Hollow? Because you know there’s no way Taehyung is going to move to the city, or anywhere else, not when he’s pack alpha.”

To be honest, Jeongguk hadn’t thought that far ahead. In fact, he’d only been living in the moment ever since he’d met Taehyung. The only thinking ahead he’d done was wondering how he’s going to go back to regular life without being able to kiss Taehyung whenever he wants. His lips are too addictive, Jeongguk’s own personal drug.

“I don’t know all the logistics yet, Soo. All I know is that all of this happened unexpectedly, and really fast, but maybe that’s the way this was supposed to happen. I just want a chance to find out if I could have something real for once, something worth taking a huge chance on.”

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