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But just as soon as those types of thoughts enter his mind, he shakes them away. He’s getting ahead of himself. He doesn’t want to assume that Taehyung would want him around. Taehyung has his own life to live. Maybe they had rushed into becoming “boyfriends”. Maybe Taehyung had only agreed to the label to make Jeongguk happy. Maybe a serious relationship with Jeongguk might not actually be something he even wants right now.

He knows he and the alpha are going to have to talk about this, but he also doesn’t want to open his heart up to rejection.

It’s something he’s not sure he could handle. 


“I’ll stay, Guk. I don’t mind,” Soobin says later on when they arrive at the little cabin. 

It’s just as Taehyung said, cozy and warm and decorated with its own little Christmas tree in the corner of the room, just like every room at the Kim home. But it’s not surprising, of course, and it’s one of those charming qualities that Jeongguk has grown to really love about the Kim family.

“No, it’s fine, Soo,” Jeongguk assures. “I know Mrs. Kim and Eunjin will take care of me. And I want you and Yeonjun to be eating your mom’s famous short ribs and pumpkin cheesecake before the day is over.”

Soobin sighs. “You could go with us. The drive is only a couple of hours. Yeonjun could wear scent blockers and–”

But Jeongguk cuts him off. “I don’t want to risk it. This heat already seems unpredictable as it is. Besides…”

“You don’t want to leave Taehyung yet,” Soobin finishes for him.

Jeongguk nods.

“Are you in love with him, Guk?” Soobin asks, a soft smile on his face like he already knows the answer.

Jeongguk nods again. “I think so,” he replies nervously. “Is that ridiculous?”

Soobin shakes his head, grinning at the admission. “No. Not at all. He’s wonderful, and you deserve someone who cares about you as much as Taehyung obviously does.”

Jeongguk lets out a sigh of relief, because Soobin’s opinion means a lot to him. If he understands how big this is, then Jeongguk knows it’s okay to let himself go, to fall even further into love with the alpha.

He knows it anyway, but the more the people in his life seem to accept it without judgment, the more sure Jeongguk feels about it. 

Because he wants this more then he’s ever wanted anything, and if no one else doubts what he has going on with Taehyung, then that must mean the universe is on their side. That this truly has been written in the stars. 

“I hope you get through your heat fast so you can rejoin him. Unless, of course, you let him help you through it,” Soobin says with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

Jeongguk can feel his face turning red at the implication. He doesn’t know what to say.

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