New Hire

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone going off and sluggishly grabbed hold of it to turn it off while simultaneously preventing myself from falling out of the twin bed I was currently lying in. My eyes opened slowly as they adjusted to the light that was coming in from underneath the curtains.

I forced myself to sit up and stretch knowing that if I didn't I'd fall back asleep. I couldn't afford that today. Today I was meeting with Madara Uchiha one of the country's most successful CEOs. I had applied to a few offices shortly after graduating from Uni in hopes I could start working as soon as possible.

In total, it was ten but the last nine all turned me down because of my age or inexperience. This was my last shot. My last shot to prove myself. My last shot to get on with my life. My last try and find something that made me happy.

For as long as I can remember I've been depressed. Things happened in the past that I'm too afraid to speak of. Too ashamed to speak of. I'm afraid that if they were ever to be dug up that it'd ruin everything for me all over again.

Don't do it. Don't go back there. Don't let your mind go back to that place. Not today Kakashi

I grabbed hold of my hand to stop it from shaking.

Iruka: How are we feeling today? Excited about the job interview?

My friend Iruka Umino texted as I prepared my coffee and fixed my bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and blackberries. During University Iruka and I met, he tried to become friends with me but the only time I ever talked to him was when we were partnered together for an assignment or he somehow convinced me to help him with his homework.

I want to be friends with him I do but at the moment he's just a really good acquaintance that helped land me this job interview. Apparently, Iruka is polyamorous and both his boyfriends work for Madara Uchiha and asked them to put in a good word for me. Iruka himself I think works as a teacher.

Me: I feel the need to throw up but I can't throw up because I need to eat the breakfast I made myself as brain food for the interview I'm about to go to In an hour.

Iruka: 😂😂 Don't worry you'll do just fine. Your the smartest person I know. There's no way Madara won't hire you

Me: Madara Uchihq is way smarter than I am. He built his company from the ground up along with his brother. There's no way I can compete with that

Iruka: You don't have to compete with him, simply impress him like I know you will😉

Me: I don't know...........

Iruka: Get your head out of the clouds, relax, and take it one step at a time. Also, call me when it's over so we can talk about it. That's not a request.

Me: O ok

He knows I wouldn't call on my own

The drive from my apartment to the office building wasn't long, only a thirty-minute drive. I parked near the front and made my way inside to the lobby area. The walls were painted a soft beige color, with shiny hardwood floors.

The waiting area had a few bench seats with a table in between them with magazines. There was a tv mounted on the wall and was loud enough to hear but not too loud as to cause a disturbance.

I made my way to the reception desk that was in the middle of everything and went talk to the man sitting behind it. He had an olive skin complexion with red hair that stopped just above his shoulders and emerald green eyes.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see Madara Uchiha". He looked up.

"Name please".

"Kakashi Hatake".

"Right this way, he's been expecting you". He stood up and walked off. I followed behind as he led me into one of the elevators. He pressed one of the buttons that led to the top floors and a few seconds later the doors slid open to reveal an office floor with multiple desks and multiple people sitting at those desks.

"This way". He walked off and led me to an office that was farther inside the room with stained glass windows looking inside. My breath was a little shaky as I looked at him dressed in a full black suit with a white shirt underneath.

I wasn't worried about my appearance considering I was wearing a light grey suit with a black shirt underneath. It was just the idea of impressing him. He held my future in his hands and didn't even know it. Before I knew it the red-haired man knocked on the door before opening it slightly.

"Sir, Kakashi Hatake is here to see you".

"Thank you Kazumi, send him in".

He opened the door for me before walking off. His voice was deep but not the kind of deep that was harsh and scary. This deep voice had the potential to be demanding but was most of the time was gentle.

"Madara Uchiha". He stood up offering his hand.

It's just a handshake, it's just a handshake

"Kaksshi Hatake". I reached out mine shaking his. "Please take a seat". I did as told.

"I've heard a lot about you. You were the top of your class, gave the most detailed reports, and was nominated for valediction several times. Not just in uni but throughout your entire school career, that's very impressive".

"Thank you, sir, my father was adamant that I get a good school education so a lot I was able to learn from him". "He must be very proud".

I hope he is

"He is, extremely proud. He bragged about me for an hour straight".

At least I think that's what he would've done

"I can imagine". I smiled a little, just a little.

"While going through your papers I couldn't help but notice you had applied to several other business corporations". "Yes I did, I know I only graduated a few months ago but I'm hoping I can start working as soon as possible. From my portfolio, you can see that I'm full of new ideas frequently.

If given the chance I know I can help improve Uchiha tech for the better. Your company has the best success rate along with multiple opportunities for college graduates.

I've read up on you and can't help but be inspired by how you and your brother started brainstorming this company while still in high school only to see it come to life a year after graduating. I can only hope to be as successful as you are and would love nothing more than for my work to be attached to your company and name.

I don't care if all you need are designs. I'll design whatever you want and hand it over. I know the others passed me up but all I need is one chance, please sir, let me prove I can be an asset to you".

He sat back in his seat. His gaze was intense as he looked directly into my eyes. It's as if he was searching them. What he was looking for I didn't know. Maybe to see if I was telling the truth. He could be checking my body language or trying to see what kind of person I was by looking into my eyes. Whatever he was looking for it didn't take him long to find it.

"How well are you at multitasking". "Very good, I'm used to having to do more than one thing at a time. My major was business but along with my diagrams for that course, I also had science experiments and math projects I had to do at the same time, each one was turned in on time and I received an A for all of them".

"That's what I was hoping you'd say. You see I won't be CEO for much longer, my son Obito will be taking over for me and he'll need a security he can trust. He's also requested a co-designer to help him on his projects. He doesn't need the help but he was hoping to give an opportunity to whoever our new hire would be".

"Id be honored".

Word Count: 1418

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