I Need Your Help

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"Is there anything you need before I go"? Kakashi asked as I laid in bed. I had taken the day off and he insisted on staying at home with me but I was able to convince him to go to work.

"No, I'm good. Thank you". He came over and kissed my head. "I'll miss you". He smiled.  "I'll miss you too. Don't work too hard". I smiled back. "I'll try not to". He gave me one last kiss before heading out. When I heard the front door close and his car drive off I got out of bed and dressed myself in a black shirt with a red jacket over it along with black pants and shoes.

Me: Hey are you busy today? I wanna talk to you about something important.

Papa: Of course not, I always have time for you

Me: Can you meet with me at the jewelry shop

My nerves were on overdrive. I had never done anything like this before and thought I would never get the chance to. Amethyst humiliating me really did a number on me. For a long time, I didn't think I was deserving of love and that I would never be able to make anyone happy.

I don't feel that way with Kakashi though. He makes me happier than I ever thought possible. I'm so grateful I get to call him mine and want to show him just how much I love and appreciate him.

I could hear the sound of his car approaching and picked my head up. I watched as he parked next to my car and stepped out. "Hi, my love". He hugged me. "Hi papa, thanks for coming". I hugged back.

"Of course, my son needs me but why a jewelry store? Are you going to get Kakashi a necklace or ring"? I smiled big. "I am. I know you can see how happy he makes me. I know we've only recently told all of you about our relationship but we have been together for a year and a four months now.

I've thought about this a lot and can't see myself with anyone else but him. That's why I wanted you here with me today. I'm going to buy Kakashi an engagement ring and I know you have good taste in jewelry". He smiled. "I'd be more than happy to help you pick something out".

We headed inside together and I made a b line for the ring display. My eyes looked over every one of the different sizes and colors. They were all beautiful shining and glimmering in their display cases. I was hoping to find the right one for him but didn't see any.

"None of these are good enough". Papa sighed. "He needs a special ring". "How did dad pick out your ring"? He lifted up his hand admiring the blood Ruby wedding ring he never takes off. "This ring used to belong to your grandmother Misa. When he was getting ready to propose to me your father took both his parent's rings and had them remade to suit us both".

"So he took the Ruby out and made two new ring settings". "Mhm, when I saw it I knew I would cherish it and him forever".

"If you want to sir we can definitely work with you to design a ring for your future fiancee". One of the sells workers said making his way over to us. "Thanks, I think that's how I'll go about it".

"Wonderful, now what's their favorite color"? "He likes neutral colors like black and grey". "Understood".

When we were done at the jewelry store papa and I both headed home. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone what I was doing until after I officially asked Kakashi to marry me. He was still at work so I had plenty of time to cook dinner for us and ask his father for permission to marry his son.

I made my way into the living room, lit the candle that was next to his picture on a shelf near the bookshelf, and sat on my legs with my hands in my lap.

"Mr. Hatake my names Obito Uchiha. I know Kakashi talks to you mostly but for the past year and a few months, we've been in a serious relationship with each other. He makes me so happy sir. All I want to do is keep a smile on his face, keep him safe, and show him every day how much I love him.

I know you've probably heard about me from him but I promise you he's safe with me. I'll do my best to always protect him and keep him safe. He's told me a little bit about his past but that hasn't scared me away. I don't know when he'll tell me everything but when that day does come I still won't go anywhere.

Your son is the only one I want. The only one I love, which is why Im asking for your permission to marry him. I promise he's in good hands with me". I blew out the candle, gave my respects, and headed into the kitchen to start on dinner.

Word Count:,871

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