Meeting His Family

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My palms were shaky, my heartbeat was faster than normal and I couldn't breathe. The room around me was spinning making it hard to breathe. The air in the room felt thin. The more I tried to breathe it in the less there was to take in. I didn't know where I was or what time it was. All I knew Is that I was scared.


His voice called out to me through the black cloud that was currently surrounding me. I picked my head up slightly hoping to see his gentle eyes that always made me feel as if we were the only ones in the room but I  couldn't see him.

"O Obito". My voice cracked.

"Yes my love, it's me, your safe". He spoke softly, soothingly.

"I'm scared. I I c can't see you".

"It's a panic attack baby, I'm ten feet in front of you. You're sitting on the bed and I'm standing in front of you".

"Please come hold me". I cried and a few seconds later I felt his strong arms surrounding me, protecting me. My vision was blurry at the moment but I could feel the black cloud slowly starting to disappear.

"It's ok, your safe. We're home, it's just the two of us. No one else".

"I'm sorry". I whispered. "You never have to apologize for this. You can't help how you feel but never forget that I will always be here to help and support you".

"Thank you". "Do you know what triggered it"? "I'm scared of netting your family. What if the rest of them don't like me"? He held me closer. "My family members are some of the most accepting people you'll ever meet but on the off chance one or two of them don't like you then I'll simply ask them why and based on the answer will decide if I want him or her in my life".

"Obito". "Don't, your everything to me Kakashi, and I won't allow anyone to mistreat you". I rested my head against him. We had a lot of talks about it and now I've decided that I was ready to meet his family and try to get to know them.

Once I was able to calm down Obito helped me get dressed and drove us to his parent's house. The drive there wasn't bad only about thirty minutes from our condo. Once there I looked amazed at the giant red brick gate with the fence built in the middle of it.

Obito punched in the passcode that was located on it but didn't watch to see what it was and watched as the fence doors opened up automatically for us. He drove up the long driveway and I inaudiblely gasped as I looked at the mansion that was his childhood home.

Just how rich are these people

He chuckled. "Wait till you see the inside". We got out of the car and headed inside where I was immediately welcomed by tall ceilings and a hardwood floor that looked freshly polished along with a stairwell that was located on the right side of us.

"Obito"! I looked up at the stairs and watched as a girl with long brown hair and tarnish skin came running down the stairs and jumped right into Obito's arms. On instinct I moved away from her but not too far since she was clearly just a kid.

"Hey Mashi". He smiled hugging her back.

Mashi? So this must be his little sister.

"I'm surprised Sasuke didn't come running down with you". "He's in the living room with the others". She looked over at me. "Is this one of your friends"? Obito looked at me and I nodded. He smiled turning back to his sister.

"This is Kakashi, he's my boyfriend actually". Her face lit up. "Really!? I'm so happy for you". She hugged him again. "Thanks, Mashi. This is actually the reason I wanted everyone at the house". "H Hi". I said nervously. I thought she would've tried to hug me but didn't. I didn't know if I was happy about that or not.

"Ready to go in further"? He asked. I nodded and followed behind them as they headed towards the living room. The living room was big having couches that connected to each other and was in the shape of an unfinished circle. A big coffee table was placed in the middle and was in front of a fireplace that had a large plasma screen tv mounted on the wall above it.

I looked around the room and saw everyone talking happily amongst themselves and wondered if I would ever be able to fit in after they knew. I told Obito I was ready to meet them but also that it was ok to tell them everything I told him.

"There you are Obito". Madara said coming into the room getting everyone's attention. I moved closer to him as I felt all of their eyes on us. Obito looked down at me and smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks for coming everyone, the reason I wanted everyone here was so I could formally introduce my boyfriend Kakashi to all of you at once". He looked at me again. "Do you want me to explain"? I looked to the side. "Please....." 

He nodded and looked back at his family. "I've already told Stone and Hibiki part of it but as most of you know Kakashi has been working at the company for a year now. During that year the two of us have gotten close and as a result, have secretly been in a relationship for a year. Normally I would have said something sooner but because of events that happened in his past he's not comfortable talking to other people or having physical contact with them but with that being said he does want to get to know you all as well as where I came from".

"See I told you it was him Ryu". A female voice said but unlike the other times a girl spoke I wasn't afraid. This woman I knew. This woman was safe. "I didn't say you were wrong Aki". "You know him Ryuko"? Madara asked. "Mhm, Aki and I both do". She said smiling. "It's good to see you again kid".

I smiled back. "You as well miss".

"So you and my brother huh? I'm Shisui by the way". I smiled a little as Obito's younger brother greeted me. "Mhm Ian, I'm uh sorry I was so cold to you and Kazumi, it's not that I wanted to be I just-".

He shook his head. "It's ok, I understand. I was never mad at you and neither was Kazumi, we did think it was odd at first but we now realize that not everyone in the office has to get along with each other and we won't force you to. I'm just glad you and my brother are happy with each other".

"Y your happy for me". He chuckled a little. "Of course I am. My brothers important to me but I could always tell you were a good person deep down. No ones going to force you to open up just know that you do have a family here with us".

Shisui's words brought me to the verge of tears. Obito and I had been at his family home for hours now and I didn't feel like leaving. His home felt like my old home with my dad. I barely knew any of these people but it felt like I've known them forever. I felt safe with them around. I felt loved.

Especially with Miss Ryuko and Miss Aki around, I knew for sure I would be safe with them here. I haven't told Obito how I know them yet and no one has brought it up either which I'm thankful for.

"Thank you Shisui".

"You're welcome. Is it ok if I call you Kashi"?

I nodded. "It is".

"Your welcome Kashi".

Word Count: 1335

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