Telling Others

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"Yes, my love"?

We were both in the kitchen cooking breakfast together. I still had a few days off but Obito was in the middle of getting ready for work. "I've thought about it and if you want to tell your family about us I'd be ok with it". He stopped what he was doing and turned around giving me a confused slash are you sure look.

"Are you sure? I'm more than fine with waiting. The last thing I want is to push you into something you're not comfortable with". I smiled, made my way over to him, and kissed him on the cheek. "I appreciate the concern but it's been a year, I trust and love you.

On top of that, I know how much your parents and siblings mean to you and I'm not comfortable with you lying to them anymore. I can see in your eyes that I make you happy, how that's possible I don't know but I'm getting better with you by my side". I looked to the side.

"I'm still not ready for you to know what happened just yet". I looked back at him. "Just know that your are the only person that makes me happy and feel safe. Obito when your happy your smile brightens up the whole room and your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky. I don't want to keep all of that for myself. I want you to be able to share it with others. Especially since if it wasn't for your dad taking a chance on me we never would've met".

"Can I please kiss you"? "I would love that". He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.


As soon as I arrived at work I called both Stone and Hibiki to my office, Shisui and Itachi weren't at work yet so I planned on telling them later. This was probably the best way to tell them considering what happened in the past between the three of them.

"Hey, little brother". Stone said making his way into the office with Hibiki. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Your only two minutes older than me". "Dont care". He sat on my desk while Hobiki sat in the chair facing me. "What's up Obi"?

"I want to talk to you both about Kakashi". They looked at each other before looking back at me. "What about him"? "Well for starters I know about the talk the three of you had last year".

"Obito we-". Hibiki started but I stopped him. "He's not mad at either of you and neither am I, we both know you were only looking out for me, and considering what happened in high school I don't blame either of you. If I was in the position you both are I don't know how I'd handle it so thank you".

"Anytime Obi but that was a year ago. Why are you bringing this up now"? Stone asked. "Last year after our trip to Barcelona I asked him to be my boyfriend. It took him a few days to think it over but he eventually said yes. The reason I didn't tell anyone is because he asked me not to. He gets overwhelmed with social gatherings easily.

I'm assuming it has something to do with his past but I'm not sure all I know is that he doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know or trust and isn't comfortable with physical contact like a hug or handshake. He's not ready to tell me yet and I'm respecting that. When he's ready I'll be there to listen but in the meantime, he is ready to get to know the family".

They were quiet for a while. I know what I said was a lot to process Which is why I didn't push either of them to talk until they were ready.

"Does he make you happy"? Stone asked breaking the silence. "So very much". "Then in that case we'll accept him". Hibiki said smiling. "Thanks, guys".


"So you've been in a relationship for a year and haven't told me"? Iruka had called in sick to work after I told him I wanted to talk to him about something important and he came right over.

"Mhm". I smiled drinking my cappuccino. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I trust you. You're the first person I learned to trust but I was just afraid of it getting out before I was ready for it to".

He smiled. "It's ok I completely understand, I'm not mad at you, I'm happy. I might be a little biased since he's my friend and my boyfriend's brother but I know this to be true. Obito's a good man Kakashi, he'll protect you and keep you safe from anything and everyone that causes you harm. You picked a good one". I smiled more.

Word Count: 856

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