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It was early in the morning as I did revision notes on my laptop. No one was here except for me and security. Dad was adamant that the company be protected twenty-four seven and I agree with him on that.

The revision notes weren't the only things I needed to work on. I had upcoming meetings with our Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and German board members. Now that I was CEO and my father and uncle had officially retired I knew they would want to know where I stand, the only problem I faced was that I only knew Spanish.

I went to my emails and opened each one that was sent to me.

Alexander Garcia, our Spanish board member. He can speak English well but refers not to.

¿cuándo sería un buen momento para tener una reunión? ( When would be a good time to have a meeting? )

Bai Wu, our Chinese female board member. She can speak a few English words but prefers her native tongue.

Wènhòu wǒ dì měiguó péngyǒu, shénme shíhòu shì ānpái jiànmiàn de hǎo shíjī

Yeah I have no idea what that says

Anastasia Petrov, our female Russian board member

Я слышал, что твой отец и дядя вышли на пенсию, когда мы сможем провести нашу встречу?

Hans Fischer, our German board member

Wir müssen uns jetzt treffen

I let out a sigh as I stared at the screen with my hand cupping my cheek as I used my elbow for support. "Maybe dad should have picked Hibiki or Stone instead".

"Are you questioning my decision making Obito"? Dad asked smiling as he came into the office. "Of course not, it's just Alexander is the only one I can understand and I do reply to the others in English saying I don't understand them They just reply back in their native tongue and be pissed off even more".

"I apologize I should have told them in advance". He took a look at the screen. "They're all asking for a meeting but in different ways, considering they're all on the board I don't see why they didn't just pick one of them to reach out to you".

"Probably some kind of test to see if I'm worthy of being your heir". "Could be but this is a good opportunity to inform them of what you will and will not tolerate. You're the boss Obito, don't let them push you around".

I thought on it for a bit. "I need to talk to Kakashi". He smiled.


"I'm flattered you decided to call me. Could it be your starting to warm up to me"? Iruka asked as he made us drinks. I had the day off and so did he considering it was Saturday. "Maybe". I smiled a little as he handed me my martini. To be honest I have no idea why I called him. I just felt like having company and Iruka was the first person I thought of.

He's the only person I thought of.

"Regardless of why I'm glad you called". He sat next to me smiling. I smiled back. "Working at Uchiha Tech made me realize that so far you're the only person I feel comfortable around if only a little bit and I'd like to get to know you better". He smiled more. "Go ahead, I'm an open book".

"You said your polyamorous right"?

"That's right I've been with my boyfriends Stone and Xion for a few years now, I think the three of you work in the same department. Stone has long brown hair with obsidian eyes and Xion has black hair that stops a few inches past his shoulder with green eyes".

"I have we haven't talked to each other yet, I mainly stay in the office with Mr. Uchiha if I'm not running errands for him".

"I see".

I nodded. "How did the three of you meet"? His eyes sparkled and his smile grew wider when I asked that. "Well I met Stone first, I was always the new kid in town so I never could make friends easily or keep them for that matter. My dad was a businessman who had to stay relocate because of his job while my mother was a stay-at-home mom, on the side they ran a small juice shop that was from whatever house or apartment we were staying at the time.

When we moved here to Konoha my dad promised me this would be our last move and in a way he was right. Mom and I settled in just fine and so did dad but things didn't stay happy for our little family". A sad smile decorated his face now.

"A few months before dad was supposed to get a big promotion at work my mom's ex broke into the house and attacked my mother in front of me. I didn't know it at the time but when my dad had left for work that morning his breaks ended up being cut causing him to crash into a tree.

I screamed as loud as I could for him to stop but there was nothing I could do, he was stronger than us both. My mom did her best to fight him off but within minutes I had lost her also, the only reason I was able to make it out is because of two female cops that were driving by and heard me yelling.

One of them shot him in the back of the head while the other tried her best to console me. I don't know why I wasn't put into the foster care system but I'm glad I wasn't. Shortly after losing my parents Stone found me crying by one of the school dumpsters.

He did what no one else did. He came sit next to me and hugged me. We didn't know each other but it didn't matter, he was the only one that could comfort me in that moment. After that, we spent time getting to know each other and that's when he introduced me to Xion. The three of us became friends instantly and over time friendship turned into love for each other, we've been inseparable ever since". 

Without a second thought, I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. "You're the only one I've told besides them". "Thank you for sharing this with me. I'm not comfortable with telling you how just yet but I know how it feels to lose a dad. I was twelve when I lost mine".

"You don't have to tell me until your ready, I'm just glad your opening up to me. Your a good friend Kakashi".

I am

"Thank you, Iruka".

Word Count: 1119

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