Traveling Together

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"He wants me to go to Spain with him". It was after work and instead of going straight home, Iruka came over to hang out for a bit. We were both in the kitchen. He sat eating a bowl of grapes while I freaked out. "I mean you are his secretary and he does need a translator".

"It's Spain, they speak Spanish there. He knows Spanish". "Oh you don't know, the head of the military is French". I sighed. He popped another grape into his mouth. "That's not the only thing I have to worry about though. The hotel we're staying at only has one room available and that's the master suite". I sat holding my head.

"Youll both probably just end up sleeping on opposite side of the bed". "I don't want that least I don't think I do". He paused for a second. "You like Obito don't you"? I teared up. "I do. I hide it well but I really do and if things keep going the way they are I know I'll end up fucking everything up, then I'll get fired and eventually end up homeless".

I could tell he wanted to come over and hug me but didn't knowing I wasn't comfortable being touched. We had hugged that one time yes but when he tried to hug me again before leaving I froze. Thankfully he understood and promised he wouldn't do it again unless I told him to.

"Oh, Kakashi".

"I'm scared Iruka".

"Obito's your boss yes but he's one of the most understanding people I know".

You don't understand. I don't think I can continue fighting my feelings for much longer

Unknown: Hey this is Rin, I'm contacting you through the group chat. There's going to be a Thanksgiving party and I need you to bake a few pies

Me: How did you get my number?

Rin: Your informations in the company system. Thanks in advance and it's formal casual.

Is that even legal?

"Are you ready to go"? Mr. Uchiha asked making his way over to me. He was wearing a black dress shirt with grey dress pants and held a briefcase along with his luggage.

That must be what's holding the gun. I wonder how big it is

"I am sir. Was I right to assume you wanted to use the company jet"? He smiled. "Yes, you were". A black Mercedes pulled up next to us as we stood outside Uchiha Tech. "Mr. Uchiha, Mr. Hatake". The driver said stepping out of the car. "Kakashi, this is Raiku, my personal driver. I nodded and he opened the door to the backseat. Obito got in first with me behind him. 
"The meeting will be the tomorrow but I thought it would do us good to get there early so we can have some time to relax". "Yes sir".

The drive from the building to the airport wasn't a bad one. Majority of it was filled with silence as the sound of the tires moving along the pavement road and the sound of Mr. Uchiha typing away on his phone and laptop filled my ears.

I looked out the window watching as all the buildings and people passed us by. An hour later we arrived at the airport with Raiku driving around back to where the planes were. The car stopped and a few seconds later a jet was rolled over to the car with the stairs already down.

The valet came to collect our bags as we exited the car and boarded the plane. I was amazed to see there was a luxurious couch along with two armchairs sitting across from each other with a coffee table in the middle on both sides. Further down to the right was a door with I assumed led to another room.

Next to the chairs and couches was a bar section as well as a small but spacious kitchen area. "Whoa". Mr. Uchiha smiled. "The door to the right leads to a bedroom but there are also speakers and TVs on board as well as a few bookshelves".

So this is how the rich travel. Dam

"Make yourself comfortable, it'll be thirteen hours until we reach Barcelona". I nodded and went sit on one of the luxurious white couches. I reached into my bag and took out a few books to begin reading. "Welcome Mr. Uchiha, can I get you and your guest anything to eat or drink"? A woman with brunette hair wearing a stewardess uniform approached asking.

Don't panic, don't react

Mr. Uchiha looked over at me before her. "We're good for now Sasha but thank you". "Of course sir". She bowed before leaving.

The thirteen hours from Konoha to Barcelona was quiet for the most part. Every now and then Obito would ask me if I was comfortable or if I needed anything  and I would just simply nod or shake my head. I did the same whenever the stewardess would ask me something.

Once back on land we exited the jet and I followed behind as Mr. Uchiha led us to a silver Lexus. I was a little taken aback when he climbed into the driver's seat but said nothing as I made my way onto the passenger side as our bags were loaded into the trunk.

A few minutes later he drove off and I sat quietly. For the whole ride, I sat quietly while taking in all the beautiful colors, buildings, and people. Thirty-five minutes later we pulled into the parking lot at The Hilton Barcelona ( that's what Google says ) and stepped out as Velet came to collect our bags.

"Please be careful with the briefcase it has valuable equipment inside".

"Yes sir of course". One of them said.

"Your room is all ready for you gentlemen". The female worker said. "Room"? "Only the master suite was available when booking". I said.  "I see". He walked off and I followed behind as one of the workers led us to our room.

"Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose messieurs, faites-le nous savoir". ( if you need anything gentlemen please let us know )

"Merci mademoiselle". ( thank you miss ) Obito said as I stared at the room in amazement. The room was large and spacious with a king-sized bed sitting comfortably in the middle with soft white pillows and a white duvet decorating it with a chair on both sides of the window and a desk on the left side of the room. The room smelled of crisp apples but what caught my attention the most was the view. Outside the tall steel glass window was a breathtaking view of the ocean and the White Sandy beach.

"Have you ever sorry that must sound like the stupidest question ever". He smiled shaking his head. I don't know why I did it. I had no reason to but I still ended up lying to him for the very first time ever. "Yeah, a few times actually". I gave him a fake closed-eye smile.

The truth is I had always wanted to go to a beach but stepmother prohibited it.

Word Count: 1196

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